Where can we find the Couatl.LOG?
I had an issue during the install, stating that EXE.XML was corrupted and the FSDT installer would not modify it. Then, GSX never started in the game, with the same error "Waiting for Couatl Scripting Engine to start.../COUATL Sciripting Engine hasn't started within the expected time."
I removed GSX completely, and reinstalled it, the problem persists.
Well, I couldn't find what was wrong in the EXE.XML script, so I manually added the lines to reference Couatl 64. Then I ran the MSFS and while GSX is still not starting, I'm getting a different GSX Main Menu message (I have a screenshot in PNG but this board is not taking it) "Failed to load GSX Menu. Please wait, it might appear later..." I let the simulator idle for 20 minutes, nothing happened.
GSX has not started once on my MSFS2020 yet. All other components, with exception of Aerosoft's Toolbar are functioning as expected.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.