Author Topic: GSX Pro Not Working Marketplace Airports  (Read 2399 times)


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GSX Pro Not Working Marketplace Airports
« on: January 21, 2023, 12:40:12 am »
I've been stuck going around in circles trying to find fixes on GSX pro not working on Marketplace Airports, I enabled the "Use SU10 Navdata API" and GSX Pro is still not able to read the airports in the marketplace, I've reached out to certain developers to provide an unencrypted BGL file to read the airports but the certain developers have not responded. Please help, I have been stuck on this issue for months and have not been able to resolve this issue, I feel absolutely cheated by the marketplace.


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Re: GSX Pro Not Working Marketplace Airports
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2023, 09:41:33 am »
GSX Pro is still not able to read the airports in the marketplace
How do you come to this conclusion?
Since MSFS is responsible for what the API provides, it offers the data for marketplace airports as well and it works as described.
A BGL file won't help since with the Navdata API enabled GSX no longer reads BGL files *at all*.

I'm using it with marketplace airports with no issues since the API got released.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2023, 09:43:07 am by Cipher »


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Re: GSX Pro Not Working Marketplace Airports
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2023, 10:42:29 am »
GSX Pro is still not reading the correct parking spots, it's still reading the default airport instead of the marketplace airports


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Re: GSX Pro Not Working Marketplace Airports
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2023, 07:15:50 pm »
GSX Pro is still not reading the correct parking spots, it's still reading the default airport instead of the marketplace airports
With the Navdata API it can't decide what it reads. If MSFS shows the scenery it will also serve the data of that scenery via API.


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Re: GSX Pro Not Working Marketplace Airports
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2023, 09:41:06 pm »
GSX Pro is still not reading the correct parking spots, it's still reading the default airport instead of the marketplace airports

Assuming you have the SU10 Navdata API Enabled, you can be sure GSX will read whatever parking spots the simulator is showing.

This includes CONFLICTS because, when the SU10 Navdata is Disabled, and GSX needs to decide by itself which .BGL to read, it might either load the correct .BGL, or the wrong one, but at least it will only read data from ONE single source at a time. Obviously, in case of Marketplace airport, if the Navdata is Disabled, GSX will read data from anywhere *except* the scenery you are interested in, so it will usually read the default.

Instead, when the Navdata is Enabled, GSX will NOT read ANY .BGL: it will just ASK the sim a list of parking/runways/taxiways for the currently loaded ICAO, and this, as I've said, includes conflicts so, if you have data for the same airport coming from multiple sources, so you'll have double parking spots ( they will show on the Map ), GSX will get everything, conflicts included, because it simply renounces to do ANY kind of choice of *where* taking its data from.

One source of conflicts might be the GSX Jetway replacement files, the common cause for this is not having run a GSX update or an "Exclude 3rd party" button AFTER having installed a new airport. Only running a GSX Update OR clicking the "Exclude 3rd party" button OR adding an ICAO manually AND applying the changes will result in the GSX Jetway replacement files being removed for the add-on airports you have.