Author Topic: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations  (Read 3822 times)


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AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« on: August 19, 2022, 04:27:09 pm »
I have the "gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna" installed in my MSFS Community folder. I can load GSX at this airport but when I try to modify the position the basic AFCAD file is used and not the one from the community folder. I followed the advice in another thread and also copied the bgl files
- Loww-scene - static.bgl (910 KB)
- modelLib.bgl (137,300 KB)
to the folder "C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX\MSFS" but without any change. Is it maybe the size why GSX does not detect / load this file. Please find the log attached.



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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2022, 07:08:49 pm »
Also adding:
airportCacheOptimizeSearch = 1
airportCacheMaxBGLSizeBytes = 150000000
to the Couatl.ini does not change the behaviour. In the log-file is still stated:
"airportCacheOptimizeSearch enabled, excluding files larger than 4000000 bytes"


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2022, 09:38:04 pm »
I was able to modify LOWW but its reading the default afcad too on my end.


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2022, 10:17:00 pm »
same here


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2022, 07:48:58 pm »
After updating I found a new file called "Couatl_MSFS.ini" in the AppData/Roaming/Virtuali folder. After adding the a.m. two lines to the content all files now were scanned including "gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna". But still the MSFS AFCAD-files was used in GSX. To me it seems that this is a "Marketplace" version even that I bought it directly from ORBX. If this is the case only Gaya Simulations can solve this problem as mentioned in the GSX Manual.   


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2022, 08:13:27 pm »
If this is the case only Gaya Simulations can solve this problem as mentioned in the GSX Manual.
TBH, FSDT delivers a product that does NOT work as the product page tells us. So it is up to FSDT to solve the problem and not GAYA.
Why does Umberto not give money to all those devs to get the files needed according to the manual?


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2022, 02:07:19 am »
TBH, FSDT delivers a product that does NOT work as the product page tells us. So it is up to FSDT to solve the problem and not GAYA.

And what the Product page tell us ?

While GSX already works automatically on any airports, default or 3rd party*....

* While GSX works automatically with every airport, it needs to read the airport .BGL file, which means, by default, airports bought on the MS Marketplace won't work well, because GSX would use data from the default airport, since it can't read the add-on scenery because of the Marketplace DRM encryption. This is not an issue for FSDT airports, becaue we'll install a DRM-free version of the airport file automatically for all our sceneries but, for 3rd party sceneries, you might need to ask the original developers if they would be willing to make available a file with at least the basic airport data, which can be used by GSX when placed in the GSX profiles folder.


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2022, 09:55:18 am »
Dear All,

i bought Gaya LOWW over ORBX and i have the same problem with it.
I think in this case it doesn't matter from where you bought it.
The bad thing is, you don't get any help from Gaya!
I have from the beginning several issues with Loww from them.
Since more then a year i try via the Zendesk to get any help
or answer. Nothing!!! Then i have tried over ORBX, the don't feel
responsible, they just say talk to Gaya. So i think we won't get any
help from Gaya, cause they say Loww is finished and there will be no
updates anymore. Gaya closed all their communication. No board, no
Facebook nothing. Sadly that we don't have a choice like in P3d between Gaya
and Flytampa.


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2022, 10:10:57 am »

And what the Product page tell us ?

But that was not the case at product release and a few days after:

Stephen Cooke


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2022, 12:05:48 pm »

The bad thing is, you don't get any help from Gaya!

Yeah, I tried also to get in touch with them to get some help but no reply to anything.
Looks like they are just interested in our money and nothing more.... :'(

I wont buy anything from them and I hope that FlyTampa will bring out LOWW sometimes.

I will switch over than I guess...

Sad that some devs dont feel so much communicative with the community like others do.

I really hope that we will get the jetway replacement stuff back into MSFS as we had in it in P3D.
No idea if something is planed in that way that we can modify the jetways same as in P3D, lets see :)

For the moment, its working "acceptable" for me in LOWW.  :)


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2022, 12:47:50 pm »

I wont buy anything from them and I hope that FlyTampa will bring out LOWW sometimes.

Same here.
Communication with Gaya went down, when they started to cooperate with MS on the World Updates for MSFS
Guess since then, they didnt care for any direct sales anymore.
The Forum is down, Support Tickets stay unanswered and I have very little to no hope they will even provide their AFCD file so we could at least fix ourseleves what they refuse to fix.

While for GSX there is a workaround to make it somewhat work, it doenst solve the many other issues this scenery has.

I really, really hope that FlyTampa or any other Developer will come up with a LOWW Scenery so I can buy that and never ever have to touch anything from Gaya again...


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2022, 07:15:57 pm »
Today i wrote this at the ORBX Forum,...i am sure they will delete it:


Posted 56 minutes ago (edited)

Dear All,


now that GSX is out for MSFS2020, alot of users have issuses with LOWW from Gaya!

Some tried to contact Gaya, but they don't answer. There are problems cause of the AFCAD file.,26581.0.html


And Gaya is quiet.


What is wrong with the guys from Gaya?


I know that criticism is not nice to read, but why you guys from Orbx closed me out from my postings about the support from GAYA?

And sorry to tell you that...but you sell Gaya products, and if they don't react it is in your charge to get them on the line.

That's it.....And if Gaya says, the product is ready and there will be no updates,......sorry they had on their FB page from January

anounced and update from LOWW,....and ofc.....the page on FB is also deleted cause a lot of people wrote negative things about them

on their comments. Now think about it! One more thing,....on July 29th i sendet Gaya with a diffrent name and email on Zendesk a ticket (with the number 790) cause of the issues with LOWW! Till now i don't have any answer. I sendet pics with all the problems and they don't even react.

And if you think thta this is ok, then i will post your answer in the Avsim forum, and then we talk about the reacts.

I will see what the reaction will be!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 07:18:31 pm by thomasl123 »


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2022, 07:47:01 pm »
Understood, I am interested how Orbx reacts.
PS: Dont let this  Post start to get an Gaya Sim. punish topic :)


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2022, 08:07:36 pm »
This must be a punished topic to GAYA, cause i have payed about more then € 500 for their products from MSFS 2020, and i don't get any answer from them? On anything what they are selling.....This must be said. It is like you buy a car and the producer is telling you we are not responsible for it.....c'mon... that is not fair...... :(
Sorry Uberto, i know that the support from GAYA has nothing to do with you,......but i am really angry about ORBX and GAYA not to get any help for their grap....
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 08:41:04 pm by thomasl123 »


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Re: AFCAD File for add-on airport "LOWW" from Gaya Simulations
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2022, 09:07:10 pm »
But that was not the case at product release and a few days after:

We posted the web page several days before release, then we updated it on release day and the day after, and that one also is being cached by cloudflare, so it doesn't update immediately for everybody.

But that's besides the point. The point is, we were always VERY CLEAR, each time when users asked about it (because it's well known that Marketplace airports are encrypted), what the MS Marketplace airports situation would have been with GSX, and what workaround we would use:

February 2021 ( FIRST GSX PREVIEW )

July 2021

August 2021,25411.msg167130.html#msg167130

August 2021,25456.msg167306.html#msg167306

August 2021,24115.msg160284.html#msg160284

September 2021

November 2021

August 9th, 2022

So no, it's not as if we haven't been opaque about it.

But that's even besides the REAL point, which makes this whole argument completely moot: there's a new API coming in the MSFS SDK (will be first released in SU10) which should allow to read the airport data directly from the sim, instead of having to open the .BGL files.

If this works as advertised, it will simplify GSX's a lot, and make it way more user friendly, because it won't likely need an airport cache anymore, and will read data for Marketplace airports as well, in addition to default "Premium" airports so we plan to use it, and this would eliminate the requirement of having to obtain a DRM-free copy from the scenery developer for GSX use.