Author Topic: Cahier de doléances  (Read 1220 times)


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Cahier de doléances
« on: August 21, 2022, 05:29:46 pm »
Hi, eager to get the MSFS GSX version, I just installed it yesterday, and after several attempets, I found these bugs:
1-I could get access to GSX only 3 out of 7 times; when Couati engine did not start, I tried to manually give the exe command, but to no avail, and even changing a .dat file as read in some other post.
2-Two flights and two CTDs; I realize that fortunately I'm not the only one with this kind of issue.
3-When trying to pushback with the quick edit, the view is sutck on the tail. In this case possibly I have to manage some other kind of you (the Slew, the Drone?).
  In the end I uninstalled GSX hoping that in some next future there will be some important update. GSX is a wonderful add-on, remembering P£D times, and I really hope in some improvement.


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Re: Cahier de doléances
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2022, 05:36:06 pm »
I found these bugs:
1-I could get access to GSX only 3 out of 7 times; when Couati engine did not start, I tried to manually give the exe command, but to no avail, and even changing a .dat file as read in some other post.

There are plenty of other suggestions you can read about this, changing that dat file is obsolete now, because the updated file is online since a couple of days. Before doing ANY report about "couatl not starting", always provide a Couatl.LOG. There are plenty of other post suggesting how to do that.

2-Two flights and two CTDs; I realize that fortunately I'm not the only one with this kind of issue.

And it has been established it's NOT GSX, have a look at this thread:,26580.msg174887.html#msg174887

3-When trying to pushback with the quick edit, the view is sutck on the tail. In this case possibly I have to manage some other kind of you (the Slew, the Drone?).

Just use the normal commands to move the Drone camera, because in QuickEdit mode, you ARE in the Drone camera. Of course, if you removed them or changed them or don't remember how they work, GSX can't help you with that.


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Re: Cahier de doléances
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2022, 09:39:21 pm »
Hi, thanks for your help; actually, today GSX styarted normally, and thanks for the drone mode suggestion.