Author Topic: Multiple questions/comments/issues after several hours of testing  (Read 2230 times)


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Congratulations Umberto for another amazing product ! Feels good to be back with GSX !

A few points from me:

1/ as explained in the manual, if custom scenery bought on Market Place and encoded (.fsarchive file), GSX won't read it and will get back to base AFCAD for the airport - consequently, you MAY (a) see additional parking locations on the map when setting your flight (sometimes with same gate numbers but in different locations) (b) get static jetways (as I experienced at KPDX with Flightbeam scenery) - to clear the issue, exclude XXXX_jetways.bgl in GSX installer settings as this bgl file create or bring back to life non existing parking spaces

2/ I can't get airport customization to work - the only message I get when I click Customize vehicule locations is "do you want to remove all walker waypoints?" - Tried on multiple airports, both custom and default

3/ sometimes I get the messgae that couatl has not started,despite having the icon in teh tray bar - I have to restart manually and tehn it works just fine (I have not identified a clear pattern for that issue so far)

4/ not sure it is GSX related, but now when I launch a flight with Fenix A320, the Fenix external app launches twice

5/ I had the same problem as another user of the forum, where, apparently, GSX does NOT read the custom scenery that is added to Community with a link (I have orbx Prague) - seems to be corrected now



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Re: Multiple questions/comments/issues after several hours of testing
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2022, 02:27:16 pm »
1/ as explained in the manual, if custom scenery bought on Market Place and encoded (.fsarchive file), GSX won't read it and will get back to base AFCAD for the airport - consequently, you MAY (a) see additional parking locations on the map when setting your flight (sometimes with same gate numbers but in different locations) (b) get static jetways (as I experienced at KPDX with Flightbeam scenery) - to clear the issue, exclude XXXX_jetways.bgl in GSX installer settings as this bgl file create or bring back to life non existing parking spaces

Could you please clarify ? I'm not sure what you are asking.

2/ I can't get airport customization to work - the only message I get when I click Customize vehicule locations is "do you want to remove all walker waypoints?" - Tried on multiple airports, both custom and default

Check if you have the current version of the dialog box, the copyright year, which is supposed to be 2022.

3/ sometimes I get the messgae that couatl has not started,despite having the icon in teh tray bar - I have to restart manually and tehn it works just fine (I have not identified a clear pattern for that issue so far)

It's possible you had an error on startup, so having logging enabled will help.

4/ not sure it is GSX related, but now when I launch a flight with Fenix A320, the Fenix external app launches twice

It shouldn't, we use the standard Microsoft library to add the Couatl entry to the EXE.XML file, it's not supposed to affect other entries in the XML.

5/ I had the same problem as another user of the forum, where, apparently, GSX does NOT read the custom scenery that is added to Community with a link (I have orbx Prague) - seems to be corrected now

This is strange, our own sceneries are all links, and they surely work.


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Re: Multiple questions/comments/issues after several hours of testing
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2022, 02:30:51 pm »
Ad 5 - I was able to determine that it doesn't matter whether the scenery is there as a folder or link.

It's not working on ANY addon airport, not just Prague.


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Re: Multiple questions/comments/issues after several hours of testing
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2022, 04:17:02 pm »
Hi Umberto

Could you please clarify ? I'm not sure what you are asking.

Not a real ask, just a note for others. Can you just confirm that indeed the XXX_jetways.bgl files do recreate parking spaces that appear on the map when you set up your flight?

Check if you have the current version of the dialog box, the copyright year, which is supposed to be 2022.

Seems to be OK now

It's possible you had an error on startup, so having logging enabled will help.

Will try

It shouldn't, we use the standard Microsoft library to add the Couatl entry to the EXE.XML file, it's not supposed to affect other entries in the XML.

I have raised the point with Amir @ Fenix.

This is strange, our own sceneries are all links, and they surely work.

Seems to be corrected now



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Re: Multiple questions/comments/issues after several hours of testing
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2022, 04:18:37 pm »
Not a real ask, just a note for others. Can you just confirm that indeed the XXX_jetways.bgl files do recreate parking spaces that appear on the map when you set up your flight?

Yes, and they are an exact match of all the default airports that have jetways, just parking spots and jetways. That's why they should be disabled when using add-ons, so you'll see the add-on jetways and no double parking spots.