Your video show the updater working perfectly. It just that maybe you assumed the "update" button would turn off if you have the current version. It's not supposed to do that, it really means "Check for Update", but that didn't fit the button, so it's just Update.
I want to jump in here as I'm a bit irritated. I've opened a similar topic where you said it is a newly reported issue and that the button should turn off after an update. Now I'm not sure what is correct, I assume the version posted here that it just checks for updates?
Quick question to the "update check" it takes quite a while and the log says it's downloading files.
1. Is this downloading just the check, you could assume that there actually is an update
2. How are we supposed if there actually is an update or if we are running the latest version?

P.S. No thread hijack intended, just thought the follow up questions would fit in here