Author Topic: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling  (Read 5230 times)


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Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« on: August 19, 2022, 11:03:58 am »

I cant refuel the aircraft
The fuel truck comes, i get the option to refuel with the Simbrief amount and then the hose is raised, the fuel pump works for 1 second and then the fuel truck disconnects and leaves.  No fuel is added

Please help


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2022, 11:09:52 am »
Manual page 17, it's explained there how you do it.


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2022, 11:18:36 am »
You can be sure i am doing it as per manual says

I can only refuel through the EFB.  If i press the option to "Show MSFS “Fuel and Cargo" under the aircraft settings, then when i choose the simbrief amount the pump works for a second and the truck leaves with no fuel added


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2022, 11:28:45 am »
Well then you misunderstand. GSX cannot add fuel to 3rd party aircraft with custom fuel and w&b systems. You have to load the fuel via the EFB. If you want the fuel truck to stay there and simulate the loading (visually only), then you have to click the load button in the EFB when you are told so by the GSX voice (no earlier).
But if you expect it to actually add fuel via the GSX menu - this needs integration by the Fenix devs, they need to give GSX access to their fuel system. I heard they were already working on it.


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2022, 11:30:38 am »
If i press the option to "Show MSFS “Fuel and Cargo" under the aircraft settings, then when i choose the simbrief amount the pump works for a second and the truck leaves with no fuel added

The Fenix has a custom Fuel system, and simply cannot be refueled by GSX, until Fenix will do a specific integration. When you enable the "Show MSFS “Fuel and Cargo", which is not how we configured the Fenix, you are telling GSX to refuel itself, which is not possibly with the Fenix.

So that option must stay off, and you need to follow the procedure explained in the manual, and the text/audio prompt that *change* in these cases, guiding you to:

- Call the GSX Fuel Truck first

- Hear the voice that tells you not to touch the fuel quantity until the truck arrives. Don't change the fuel quantity while the Truck is underway.

- After the truck is in position and you hear another voice that says to use the Load Aircraft function to load fuel, just do so. Your planned fuel quantity must be higher than the quantity you had on board when you called the GSX Fuel truck.


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2022, 11:49:20 am »
Thank you both for your help


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2022, 12:44:21 pm »
Probably a good post for some kind of "FAQ" section somewhere.
I guess the same question will be asked again sometimes :)

Just an idea


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2022, 01:15:05 pm »
Hopefully, Fenix will do an update on there with an option in the software to select what option to use with GSX or not ;) People are talking about it on the Fenix DIscord and so they might look at doing it.


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2022, 08:48:18 pm »
We are missing the GSX-FSLabs integration... I hope it will be the same with the Fenix...
James Goggi


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2022, 04:03:04 pm »
Hi Umberto,

Similar question regarding the fuel truck operator that just sits in the truck.  For the PMDG 737-800, there's a smaller tanker truck with just one driver inside that parks next to the wing but not directly underneath.  The only animation I see on this type of truck is the fuel counter numbers increasing until the desired level of fuel is reached.

There is no visible hoses that are connected to the wing and no animated characters to connect hoses.  Is it possible to add some form of hose connection animation?  Just a little request.  Thank you.


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2022, 04:25:34 pm »
Similar question regarding the fuel truck operator that just sits in the truck.  For the PMDG 737-800, there's a smaller tanker truck with just one driver inside that parks next to the wing but not directly underneath.  The only animation I see on this type of truck is the fuel counter numbers increasing until the desired level of fuel is reached.

That's exactly what you are supposed to see when the airplane refueling point is lower than 3.40 mt. quoting from the GSX Manual, Page 17:

There’s a minimum height the Fuel Truck with an extending platform can use, which is about 3.00 meters from ground for the Tanker and 3.40 for the Hydrant. If the airplane refuel point is lower than this value, a different vehicle will be called, one without a raising platform or a crew with a cable animation.

Is it possible to add some form of hose connection animation?  Just a little request

A "little request" ? Doing the unrolling fuel cable on the large animated spooler it's an extremely complex animation and we already confirmed, multiple times, we are working on it, and will blow everybody's mind.


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2022, 04:47:16 pm »
That's awesome news Umberto! 👍 Thank you.


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2022, 08:44:01 pm »
If i press the option to "Show MSFS “Fuel and Cargo" under the aircraft settings, then when i choose the simbrief amount the pump works for a second and the truck leaves with no fuel added

The Fenix has a custom Fuel system, and simply cannot be refueled by GSX, until Fenix will do a specific integration. When you enable the "Show MSFS “Fuel and Cargo", which is not how we configured the Fenix, you are telling GSX to refuel itself, which is not possibly with the Fenix.

So that option must stay off, and you need to follow the procedure explained in the manual, and the text/audio prompt that *change* in these cases, guiding you to:

- Call the GSX Fuel Truck first

- Hear the voice that tells you not to touch the fuel quantity until the truck arrives. Don't change the fuel quantity while the Truck is underway.

- After the truck is in position and you hear another voice that says to use the Load Aircraft function to load fuel, just do so. Your planned fuel quantity must be higher than the quantity you had on board when you called the GSX Fuel truck.

Is it important how I refuel the fenix? It has three options to do it, realistic, fast and instant.


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2022, 09:24:18 pm »
Is it important how I refuel the fenix? It has three options to do it, realistic, fast and instant.
I think all of them work, but I use "instant" to load instantly the Fenix (Fuel + PAX) and then I ask GSX for boarding, and I use the PAX boarding time (several minutes) to finish setting up the plane


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Re: Fenix Airbus and Refuelling
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2022, 09:48:52 pm »
interesting. because I found out when I use "instant" (after the fuel truck arrived), the fueling process of GSX only takes 2 sec.
with the other options it will last as long as the fenix is fueled...
« Last Edit: September 09, 2022, 04:02:57 pm by virtuali »