Author Topic: Live installer  (Read 4896 times)


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2022, 09:49:23 am »
Also, we are only discussing the INSTALLER interface, where you are in control of what to update. If you find it "confusing", why not just using the UPDATE interface ? It will make a single run, updating what is required to update, and will exit automatically when it's done. End of confusion.

Your mistake is stubborn sticking to a naming convention that makes no sense. Simply rename this bloody "update" clickspot to "verify" and 90% of the forum threads about this non-issue are resolved. Or, even better, make two buttons: one for checking if an update is available (and no, I am not talking the "release notes" that are anyway sometimes even lagging hours behind this forum...) and if yes, tell the user to use the other button called "Verify setup" that does then the long run.

Take a look at the AIG OCI for example: when firing up, this tool also goes through thousands of files, but at least it tells you, if something needs to be updated and what. It uses the "verify" approach, and to me this is waaay more intuitive than clicking on an "update" button that basically does not update but just verify the installation in 90% of the cases. Means: if something is altered, like some aircraft.cfg are updated or new models added, it tells you with a pop-out window to run "verify setup" to include those changes. Easy, no?

There ARE ways how this endless discussions about updates, version numbering, release notes etc. could be ended, but if it is all ignored by the stubborn thinking that the current approach is already the "best" one, well... have fun answering 10 identical threads each week...


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2022, 12:15:08 pm »
Your customer relations skills are disgraceful, I am reading through the forum and you are unnecessarily argumentative and rude. We are customers and we are experiencing issues, and we are experiencing the same or related issues, therefore there is something that needs to be addressed.

The point is, you are not experiencing any issues, you assumed the updater has a problem, when in fact it's working as it should, just not according to your assumption.

The product was rushed to market full of bugs and issues, outside of the issues with the installer and its awful interface.

You only complained about the updater, if you think the program has other issue, then open a proper thread with a proper bug report, and we'll see if they are really bugs, and if they are, they'll obviously fixed, as all the bugs who were really bugs has been already fixed.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2022, 12:31:42 pm »
Your mistake is stubborn sticking to a naming convention that makes no sense. Simply rename this bloody "update" clickspot to "verify" and 90% of the forum threads about this non-issue are resolved. Or, even better, make two buttons: one for checking if an update is available (and no, I am not talking the "release notes" that are anyway sometimes even lagging hours behind this forum...) and if yes, tell the user to use the other button called "Verify setup" that does then the long run.

This installer had the same, identical, interface WAY before GSX came out, and nobody ever had any issues understanding what the Update button does, it's just that:

- GSX has many more files than any other product, which caused issues caused by Cloudflare slow replication in the initial release days. This lead to the wrong assumption the installer has "bugs", when in fact it worked exactly as it should and it always did, because it was correctly trying to download a file, because the one it got from the internet WAS outdated.

- We found it was faster to just redownload some files every time than checking and downloading, because they are thousands of small files that compress very well. We obviously explained this, but those not reading the Sticky post about it, believe the installer is bugged because it's downloading the same files over and over.

Take a look at the AIG OCI for example: when firing up, this tool also goes through thousands of files, but at least it tells you, if something needs to be updated and what.

And what's really the point of knowing in advance that some files WILL be updated, when you already spent 90% of the time checking files ? Or how having an additional button would make it more "intuitive" ?

Are you really suggesting the extra Verify button should only check and not downloading ? And what the update should do then ? What if user click the Update without verifying first ? Updating what ? Clearly, the Update should still verify files exactly as it does now, or are you suggesting the update shouldn't be available until you use the Verify ?

THAT'S would be confusing, when now we have JUST a single button that always gets you the latest version. Is simple as that.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2022, 08:32:46 am »
not to some  users its not :)


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2022, 01:31:27 pm »
not to some  users its not

Nothing will ever looks intuitive or not, for all users, it's a lost battle.

That's why, I prefer on the side of reliability, that is the installer always being sure to recover every file from being missing or corrupted, and trying to EXPLAIN why it's better like this, and why other "simpler" installers are not able to cope as well as ours with accidents, without having to reinstall everything.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2022, 10:02:41 pm »
the flybywire installer works pretty well, shows you what needs updating and when its done it.

i've just tried the FSDT live update after weeks and it was open for under a second before it closed. No idea what it did if anything, it was over. ok maybe it did not crash? who knows, but did it do anything.  it does the same every time so by your logic i'm up to date

this may be the best and only method of running a live update (take note microsoft) but the fact you continue to advocate this method is excellent in the face of so many confused customers is dumbfounding.

but i didn't purchase this product to spend hours arguing.  there is no need to reply, 


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2022, 10:40:48 pm »
is a lost battle with Unberto... product is perfect..installer is perfect...price also
all problem is from Asobo and from stupid users....


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2022, 10:24:33 pm »
is a lost battle with Unberto... product is perfect..installer is perfect...price also
all problem is from Asobo and from stupid users....

haha spot on!


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2022, 10:37:32 am »
is a lost battle with Unberto... product is perfect..installer is perfect...price also all problem is from Asobo and from stupid users....

The lost battle is just letting users understand why the installer works like that, and why it's more reliable than other updaters, something I already repeated so many times already, even in this thread. If there something you think I said that is not accurate, then make your point and we'll see about that.

I don't know what you are trying to say when adding other things that don't have ANYHITNG to do with the installer, all of them completely inaccurate and irrelevant like:

"Product is perfect"

Which is clearly wrong by the amount of ACTUAL BUGFIXES that are being posted. Where, exactly, have you read from any of my sentence that updates and fixes would eventually stop "because we think the product is perfect ?"

"Stupid users"

Both wrong and factually false, since I obviously never accused anybody of that.

"All problem is from Asobo"

First, I NEVER said ALL problems *are* from Asobo. But the fact that MANY problems that users assume are "GSX bugs" ARE in fact limitations in the SDK and these are FACTS:

1) Everything related to detecting Jetways and making Passengers walking correctly through them, is hampered by the inability to precisely detect Jetways (especially in the SU10 Navdata API) the inability to recognize WHERE a jetway has docked (regardless of the Navdata API) which results in either passenger not showing or walking in the wrong place if the jetway didn't dock as expected, are ALL caused by limitations in the SDK. This is an undeniable fact that is not open to discussion.

2) Everything related to the menu not being as easy to use as it WAS in FSX/P3D, is caused by Asobo removing the menu creation functions from Simconnect, to move to the HTML/JS/Coherent system and their code optimization that kills the JS code the moment the toolbar is closed, which forced us to use crazy workarounds to get around this, which would work so much easier if only there was a better interaction between Simconnect and the menu system, something as easy as allowing to programmatically open/close a Toolbar menu, which IS possible from JS, but not from Simconnect.


What price has anything to do with this ? GSX always costed about the same, just with GSX Pro, we are including in the single product several features that before required the Level 2 Expansion, like Passengers, Jetway replacement and Fuel Hydrants.