Author Topic: Live installer  (Read 4919 times)


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Live installer
« on: August 19, 2022, 02:08:17 am »
i also noticed that my live installer only goes to step 3 out of 37 then crashes.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2022, 02:13:00 am »
Mine crashes at step 2, it says GSX pro is done, moves to swiss mesh and crashes.
I don't see GSX work, the link isn't there in community folder.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2022, 02:15:09 am »
Are you sure it's crashing ? Crashing means you see an error. If it just exits with no error, it means it has updated everything it needed to update, so it exited because it was done.

You will never see all steps performed, unless you have ALL FSDT products installed.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2022, 02:19:38 am »
crazy how i have yet to experience the awesomeness that is gsx in msfs.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2022, 02:26:45 am »
crazy how i have yet to experience the awesomeness that is gsx in msfs.

Could you please reply to my question about the supposed crash ?


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2022, 02:29:32 am »
If it doesn't crash I just don't understand it.
I ran everything, I have nothing that seems to work. No software installed that can be run but the installed and updater. Nothing new in the sim. No manual. Nothing.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2022, 02:33:11 am »
yes it crashes or just quits, like i said ive always known the live updater to go through all the steps but like i said it quits at step 3


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2022, 02:35:46 am »
I ran everything, I have nothing that seems to work. No software installed that can be run but the installed and updater. Nothing new in the sim. No manual. Nothing.

That doesn't mean much. Have you ran the FSDT Universal Installer ? Without it, you won't have much new to see.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2022, 02:41:15 am »
I ran the installer, and then I ran all the files that it put on my desktop.
Universal installer that downloaded a bunch of zip files, installed a bunch of stuff in the addon manager folder.
It also create an MSFS folder in there and put fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways and back up in there and fsdreamteam-gsx-pro and added a link to the world-of-jetways in the community folder.
It created an FSDream team folder in the star menu with update, installer and start couatl, which I also tried running.
Other than that, I don't see anything in the sim or outside the sim that does anything.

Why doesn't it mean much? If it's not straight forward, why not provide instructions?


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2022, 02:43:29 am »
yes it crashes or just quits, like i said ive always known the live updater to go through all the steps but like i said it quits at step 3

Why you keep repeating "it crashes", when you don't have any error ? Or, are you saying sometimes it quits, sometimes it crashes ? Which error you get, when it crashes ?

If you don't have an error, it's not a crash and, as I've said, if you have no errors, it WILL quit after performing ONLY the steps for the product you HAVE installed.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2022, 03:34:40 pm »
Mine crashes at step 2, it says GSX pro is done, moves to swiss mesh and crashes.
I don't see GSX work, the link isn't there in community folder.

I have the same confusion, it never seems to update. If it is up to date then the option to update shouldn't show. If I run the update when its finished updating the option to update is still there and it will run again and again and again?   It says 37 files to update, does a couple then just stops.  If there are only 3 files to update, display 3 files to update and not 37, when everything is up to date don't show the update option, its confusing.

In the end I have given up and deleted this until they write a decent installer instead of this terrible GUI they currently have, it is one of the worst interfaces I've seen in a while, I dont know if stuff is installed and up to date or not.


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2022, 03:55:18 pm »
I have the same confusion, it never seems to update. If it is up to date then the option to update shouldn't show. If I run the update when its finished updating the option to update is still there and it will run again and again and again?

You are assuming the update button is an indication of the update status. It's not. It really means "check for updates please, and download something if anything is missing or outdated", that's why it's always available.

The only way for the update button to work as you expected, being enabled or disabled depending if you have the latest version, would be performing a "fake" update JUST to check all your installed files, one by one, against the ones on the server. Then enabling or disabling the button for each product, based on the result of that check.

This should be obviously done before starting the program so, the only result you would obtain, is the program would take as much time to start as it was to just DO the update, because what takes most of the time is the CHECK, not so much the download.

So, instead of taking a long time to start, in order to do the check to Disable/Enable the update buttons, and taking again the same time (+download) for the product you update, it's just checking+updating in a single pass, but only after YOU ask for it.

And before you say that "other developers" updaters are smarter because they show if you have the "latest version" very quickly, as also explained, so many times already, it's only because they check just a few (or just one) crucial file, and trust you have the latest version JUST because you have the latest version of THAT single (or few) files that are checked.

This is clearly less reliable than our method because, if you remove any file that is not part of the check, or if it gets accidentally corrupted for any reason, the updater will still tell you have "the latest version", but it will malfunction because of the missing/corrupted file, without the updater knowing anything about it, and with you not suspecting you might have a problem.

Instead, our more reliable system, check each and every file, which means you can alter, remove, corrupt ANY file of the thousands that make any FSDT product, and they updater will ALWASY be able to restore it to the correct version, regardless which file it is.

It says 37 files to update, does a couple then just stops.  If there are only 3 files to update, display 3 files to update and not 37, when everything is up to date don't show the update option, its confusing.

It doesn't say that. It says that it will CHECK for 37 "Steps" ( not files ), which are all the known FSDT products it knows about. Obviously, it won't perform all Steps, unless you have ALL FSDT products installed at the same time so, it's only checking the ones you DO have installed.

In the end I have given up and deleted this until they write a decent installer instead of this terrible GUI they currently have, it is one of the worst interfaces I've seen in a while, I dont know if stuff is installed and up to date or not.

The installer works perfectly fine, the GUI works perfectly fine, and the updater is able to update everything to the latest version, without worrying about anything. As discussed so many times already, and as explained in the Sticky thread with the release notes, it's REALLY SIMPLE:

- Is the updater DOWNLOADING something other than the files which the Sticky thread tell they are supposed to always be downloaded ? If yes, it means something required an update. If not, they you HAVE the latest version of everything. Is that simple.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2022, 03:56:58 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2022, 09:06:14 pm »
I am not looking to get into an argument, I am not here to pick at the product like it may seem, but it it is flawed and all I ask is please look at it and fix it. Other products, in fact all other products, achieve this.   The management console IS confusing, it loops with updating itself and numerous other issues, if it didn't we wouldn't be having this conversation.  If something is up to date, don't show the update option, it isn't rocket science. 


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2022, 09:25:15 am »
I am not looking to get into an argument, I am not here to pick at the product like it may seem, but it it is flawed and all I ask is please look at it and fix it.

Yes, it seem you ARE here to pick an argument, since I clearly explained you why the product works, why is not flawed and why other installers don't offer the same level of reliability, yet you are here again insisting there's something to "fix", when there's clearly none so no, either you haven't read what I wrote, or you haven't understood it, or you ARE here to "pick an argument".

Other products, in fact all other products, achieve this. 

No, they don't. Let's take a very simple example of an updater that shows you have the "latest version" immediately, like the PMDG operation center, try this very simple excercise:

- Go into any folder of any of your PMDG airplanes, and start removing files at random, or edit some files and intentionally corrupted them. This, of course, to simulate either you missing a file, or having an outdated file for any reason.

- Check for updates. It will STILL tell you have the "latest version", but have you ? Do you think the product would still work after messing up with files ? No, it won't, and you have NO WAY to KNOW there's a problem, because the updater is telling you have the "latest version" and is not restoring the missing or outdated/wrong/corrupted files, but you think you have the "latest version" and are left with a crippled installation without even realizing it. Because this was a test, but what about it you lost those files because they were removed by accident, or they were outdated because of a previous  bad download, bad connection, antivirus, anything ?

Now, try doing the same with any FSDT product, run the Updater, and see what happens. Each and every file you removed or edited WILL be restored to the correct version. Is THAT simple.

Try this, and come back here telling how other products have achieved this...

The management console IS confusing

No, it's not, once you understood the very simple concept that the Update button is not a semaphore that turns on/off depending if you are already updated.

it loops with updating itself

No, it doesn't. If you think it does, please make a precise example, and we'll see if it's "looping and updating itself".

and numerous other issues

Which are, exactly ? You can't just write those blank statements without a precise, exact report, which will be obviously replied to in a precise, exact, manner as I already did before.

, if it didn't we wouldn't be having this conversation

We are having this conversation because you are either failing to understand how it works, even after the explanation.

If something is up to date, don't show the update option, it isn't rocket science.

That's your mistake: because other products takes shortcuts to show an update status very quickly, you THINK it's something easy to achieve. But that's just because they took shortcuts, like checking a single file version, and be done with it. That might work for an app that has its executable changing for each release, you just check the .EXE file version, which is a standard thing, and if your app updates the .EXE with each version, it might be enough.

But for a product made by over 30.0000 files like GSX, where EVERY one of them, either missing or outdated, can cause malfunctions, the ONE and ONLY way to be ABSOLUTELY sure each file is correct, is doing exactly what we already do:

- Check each and every file individually, local against remote, and download if they don't match.

- Don't take shortcuts and don't assume that, because one crucial file is fine, all of them are.

As I already explained so many times, even here, what takes the longest, is the CHECK so, to achieve what you wanted to see, the Update button Disabling itself if you are already updated, would require doing the longest operation of all ( the CHECK of all your local files ) while the updater started, and this should have been repeated for each and every FSDT product you have.

That would be the only way to have all the Update buttons Disabled if you didn't require an update, but it would take about 90% of the time that just DOING the check + updates, as it doing right now, but only when you explicitely ask for it, by clicking the Update button.

Also, we are only discussing the INSTALLER interface, where you are in control of what to update. If you find it "confusing", why not just using the UPDATE interface ? It will make a single run, updating what is required to update, and will exit automatically when it's done. End of confusion.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2022, 09:27:49 am by virtuali »


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Re: Live installer
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2022, 09:11:13 am »
Your customer relations skills are disgraceful, I am reading through the forum and you are unnecessarily argumentative and rude. We are customers and we are experiencing issues, and we are experiencing the same or related issues, therefore there is something that needs to be addressed.

The product was rushed to market full of bugs and issues, outside of the issues with the installer and its awful interface.

There is also clearly no point in coming to the developer for assistance or support as all we get is argumentative responses.