Author Topic: GSX is reading the default scenery AFCAD instead of the one from the addon scene  (Read 7492 times)


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Umberto, is this correct? Those two backslashes before the AFCAD path?

Entirely correct, it's the standard notation to allow using paths longer than 260 characters.

I am desperately trying to figure out what's wrong, since GSX is therefore unusable for any addon airport...

I don't understand it either. You can try this as an emergency procedure:

- look for the airport .BGL in each airport package of the Community folder, it's usually a smaller file with a name that suggest it's the airport. Copy just this file here:


Restart Couatl and see if it's seen from there.


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Umberto, I have already told you that this procedure is working.

However, since I am obviously not the only one with this issue, I think an investigation and a fix is in order.

I refuse to do this for every addon scenery I have or I will purchase in the future.

Maybe if it would help, we could arrange a Teamviewer session, where you could take a look more closely?


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However, since I am obviously not the only one with this issue, I think an investigation and a fix is in order.

And where, exactly, have you read I said it won't ? There was a reason why I used the "emergency" work.

I refuse to do this for every addon scenery I have or I will purchase in the future.

Nobody said you'll have to do this in the future.

Maybe if it would help, we could arrange a Teamviewer session, where you could take a look more closely?

Perhaps after we'll sort out the most serious problems, like people not even able to install properly. You at least can use the default sceneries and the add-ons with that above workaround MOMENTARILY.


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We are suspecting the issue might be caused by you having chosen the SteamLibrary\common folder to install the content, which on Steam by default is under %APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages, and it's possible Steam itself is preventing our app to scan into there.

Another question, is the Community folder there a real folder, or a symbolic link ?


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Yes, that is correct, and that is a standard Steam functionality. My structure looks like this:

D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MSFSPackages\Community

When installing the MSFS from scratch, it is made possible for us to choose where this folder should be, and then, said Community folder is a normal folder and not a link.

So if you are scanning only in the %APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages, then I believe we have found a culprit. The location of the parent folder (where Official and Community is) is designated in the UserCfg.opt located in "AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator"

InstalledPackagesPath "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MSFSPackages"


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And just to note, the name MSFSPackages is the name I have chosen myself, this is not a default folder name.


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So if you are scanning only in the %APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages, then I believe we have found a culprit. The location of the parent folder (where Official and Community is) is designated in the UserCfg.opt located in "AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator"

Of course we are not scanning in an hard coded place! We read the UserCfg.opt, which can be clearly seen by the fact the Official folder IS being read, and the airplanes too, which are in the Community so, GSX clearly knows where you Community is.


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Ah, right, and it wouldn't be able to see the planes either.


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Hi all,
if you need some more input on this error I can help too. Just tested on my end and with a msfs store setup and custom package path no community folder airport is read. This is including fsdt airports btw, too. Just tested at Zurich and the debug window presented:

Loading airport LSZH from \\?\E:\MSFS Packages\Official\OneStore\microsoft-airport-lszh-zurich\scenery\Microsoft\Zurich\lszh-scene.bgl

instead of loading the fsdt Zurich one.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2022, 04:35:14 pm by Thorsten42 »


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Hi Umberto,

I'm having the same problem. I don't mind copying the .bgl to the GSX location, but some airports have multiple .bgl files (e.g. KDCA has KDCA_xxx.bgl where xxx = BLDG, GND, Handling, OBJ, PLC, PPL, Static) so I'm not sure which one to select.

Others, like EGAA only have 1x .bgl, but it's called aldergrove.bgl - will it know this is EGAA, or does the file need the ICAO in the name? Should I rename it?

Thanks for your help!


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Just tested on my end and with a msfs store setup and custom package path no community folder airport is read.

There's something else going on because, of course, I DO have an MS Store setup and a custom package path, and all airports in the Community folder are read normally.

Can you post a screenshot of what's inside your Community folder ?


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For me, it was working fine... but after removing and re-installing GSX (due to some other problems), now some airports aren't using the correct .bgl (using MS Store version and never used Steam version).


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 I'm still having this issue as well. None of my addon airports in my community folder are seen by GSX.  Folder location is K:\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community.


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Hi Umberto.

My comm folder has about 400 entries. So I would say I will do a reduced testset with GSX and a handful of airports first and report back then again. Sadly I got a little bit frustrated and had to disable GSX anyhow as its producing reproducable CTDs after a some minutes in flight with the pmdg 737. I know you already stated numerous times that this should not be possible but there seems to be an impact of GSX that is indeed bringing my otherwise complete stable sim to an unstable state. I'm on SU10 Beta btw. As you know the logging of errors with msfs is not helpful in most cases and sometimes even no report is written at all. I will be happy to help out in further analysis as far as possible for sure. Currently checking a longer flight without GSX to see if the stability is back. After that I will do a test as described above.



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Hi! I have just tried to update GSX today, and I can confirm that it is now correctly reading the addon sceneries.