Hi, apologies for not continuing this closely-related topic --
http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,26406.0.html -- but I felt I should start a new topic since my issue, although similar, is not identical. Nor is it solved.
I too have started having an issue where I am unable to exit the GSX custom vehicle location editor using the "Y" key. In my case, the only way I can exit is to quit Prepar3d altogether. Re-selecting the GSX "customize parking positions" has no effect for me. I am running GSX on Prepar3D V4.5, Windows 10.
I've also made the following observations:
- The issue only started happening after I ran the latest "Live Update". I had been doing such GSX parking customizations with no issues for years prior, on more than 20 airports at least.
- The issue only occurs if the aircraft gate or stop position is modified. All other vehicle/item positions can be changed and saved with no issues.
- I've tested this using two airports so far - FSDreamTeam's KDFW (Dallas Forth-Worth), gate C17 and ORBX's KBUR (Burbank), gate A8.
The contents of the .../appdata/Roaming/Virtuali/Couatl.err log file is below.
Can anybody offer any suggestions as to what the problem could be? Thanks for any help/tips!
- Bob
couatl v3.2 (build 4787)
panic log started on Thu Aug 11 16:04:42 2022
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\GSX\editor.py", line 87, in <lambda>
File ".\GSX\parkingEditor.py", line 1579, in onExit
File ".\GSX\parkingEditor.py", line 1539, in commitParking
File ".\GSX\airportCustomization.py", line 2020, in saveCustomizations
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
{'Airport': 'KBUR', 'Requested parking services to': 'Gate A 8', 'User Pos': (34.196648796986665, -118.34975373043257, 222.223 m, 2.46293 m, 210.3221602961395, 0.01490076258778572, 0.011344640515744686, 0.0002414443789643682, 2.5511759651184085, 1.0)}
Connection with Prepar3D v4 lost (has it crashed?)
disconnected from SimConnect.