Developer's Backdoor > GSX Backdoor

GSX level 3

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--- Quote from: virtuali on July 04, 2022, 01:24:21 pm ---That's not what the OP asked. He asked to decouple baggage/cargo loading from Passenger loading, nowhere he asked about refueling

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It was there in the second paragraph. Refuelling is the “why” I asked for the loading to be decoupled, due to certain situations where boarding or deboarding can’t occur until refuelling is complete or vice versa. 

I don’t have access to the sim at the moment but from memory, with the PMDG 747-8, you don’t get the refuelling truck until pax deboarding is complete, even though the baggage unloading was complete a long time ago.     I think also if you request fuel during boarding, you have to wait for the pax loading to be complete.  However if you are already refuelling and request boarding, It’s smart enough to load the pax and the bags will start when refuelling is complete. 

The problem is when it’s not smart and one action holds up the other, which is very unrealistic.  I know it’s a minor gripe, I’m surprised I was the first to bring it up.


--- Quote from: Justinthomas7 on July 04, 2022, 04:43:34 pm ---It was there in the second paragraph. Refuelling is the “why” I asked for the loading to be decoupled, due to certain situations where boarding or deboarding can’t occur until refuelling is complete or vice versa. 
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And that's not what I replied to. I only replied about the decoupling between cargo/luggage and passengers, that is difficult because they currently are part of the same service that is Boarding or Deboarding.

Decoupling Boarding/Deboarding from Refuel is a completely different thing, which is not affected by the ability to decouple Pax from Cargo/luggage *IN* the Deboarding/Boarding service.

--- Quote ---I don’t have access to the sim at the moment but from memory, with the PMDG 747-8, you don’t get the refuelling truck until pax deboarding is complete, even though the baggage unloading was complete a long time ago
--- End quote ---

It depends by the SIDE the refueling point is configured. If it's on the Left, a long refuel will block passenger loading, while if it's on the right, it will block cargo loading. You must realize the main reason of these constraints is to prevent vehicles to clash into each other, mainly.

Captain Kevin:

--- Quote from: Justinthomas7 on July 04, 2022, 04:43:34 pm ---However if you are already refuelling and request boarding, It’s smart enough to load the pax and the bags will start when refuelling is complete.
--- End quote ---
In addition to what Umberto said, if the refueling point is on the left and you're using a jetway, you can have the passengers board during refueling AND have the cargo get loaded at the same time. Thus, if you time it right, you can have refueling and boarding completed at the same time.

I don’t think you understand my issue.  Pax deboarding via jetway will block refuelling even after the baggage loading is complete.  Same issues occur on boarding, if you want to top up the fuel after the bags have been loaded, you have to wait until the pax have finished boarding even though there’s no vehicles left.  I stick with the default refuelling on the right

 I take the opportunity to once again ask for the "hand signal will be on the left/right" feature in MSFS, still missing in GSX for P3D.


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