I have formatted the hard drive. Installed the Windows 10 Operating System. Downloaded all updates. I disable the Antivirus. Now I install the Prepar 3D v5.3 program, and activate it. I install GSX, and pass "FSDT Universal Installer" all as administrator, where I activate GSX and GSX2 advanced. In the antivirus in exclusions I add the "Add Manager" folder. Now I run the full p3d installer. I turn off the computer and restart it. I start the P3D program and in the upper area in add-ons a window is displayed, with FSUIPC, iFly 737, Add-Manager (Virtuali), GSX, etc. I click on GSX and the dropdown in the lower area in "Restart Coualt and rebuild airport cache" shows an upper horizontal band indicating that it takes 5 seconds. Now I click on Show GSX Menu by-passing You-Control or Shift+Ctrl+F12" and the only thing it does is place some white and orange cones around the aircraft. But the dropdown with the actions it can perform does not appear: Boarding, deboardin, refuel, etc. I have tried several aircraft and nothing.
All this worked with the previous hard drive that crashed, nothing has changed, it's the same hardware and software, the hard drive is a 2tb solid type.
Windows 10, Ram 16Gb. micro Intel I5 4460, 64Bits System, Gforce RTX2060 graphics card.
Some help please.
Jose Angel Torres Perez