Author Topic: Taxi2Gate LFPG Paris V5 GSX Walk in Config  (Read 3886 times)


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Taxi2Gate LFPG Paris V5 GSX Walk in Config
« on: May 20, 2022, 09:39:00 pm »

The Afcad and Sode Jetways were not very well done by Taxi2Gate in my opinion on this scenery. I had to edit the Sode xml file and also deleted the VDGS config for this scenery. To get the Jetways to connect i had to move the spawn and stop point quite a bit. That made the VDGS config unusable. All gates have GSX parking systems so you will get correct stop position.

A, B, C, D, E, F, K, L, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z gates and stands edited with custom pushbacks.
Terminal 2G with the J gates are all walk in with custom pushback. Mostly used by CRJ, Embarer jets so small jets only. For the Dash 8 lovers, use J38 only for this aircraft.
Freight terminal N and M gates are all edited.

Some afcad errors you should be aware of:
If you choose C10, C12 gates when loading P3d you will spawn in the C12 and C14 gates.
D4 = D2 in the scenery.
K5 & K17 should have been K1 and K13 as these are the Heavy gates. Thats why the Jetways are so close.
As i mentioned, the afcad file made for this scenery by T2G could be improved.

To do:
Go to the C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\xml folder
Remove Taxi2Gate_LFPG_Stands and VKT_LFPG_VDGS , backup if you wish.
Copy my Taxi2Gate_LFPG_Stands file into this folder.
Copy the lfpg-gromor.ini file into the C:\Users\(yourusername)\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX folder.
Make sure you remove other files in this folder starting with lfpg.

Hope you will enjoy
« Last Edit: May 21, 2022, 04:14:28 pm by gromor »