Author Topic: ORBX EGHI Southampton GSX Walk in config  (Read 2507 times)


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ORBX EGHI Southampton GSX Walk in config
« on: April 14, 2022, 12:18:33 am »

All vehicles and pushbacks edited on gates 1-12. Did not touch gates 13-14.

Gates 1-6 are walk in.
1-3 edited with Dash 8, 4-6 with 319.

Some scenery limitations on gates 6-7 so some vehicles/passengers will pass through barriers etc.

Place the ini file in C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX
Make sure to remove/backup other ini files starting with eghi in this folder.

I have Static Airliner and Airliner Associated People Flow unticked in the configurator so if you have this on the bgl name will have to be changed from ADE_FTX_ENG_EGHI.BGL to ADE_FTX_ENG_EGHI_Statics.BGL in the afcad path in the ini file.
Gates 5 and one more will not be available with Statics on.
