Author Topic: No buildings (and I've read all the other forum posts on troubleshooting)!  (Read 14584 times)


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My machine- WIndows 7 64 Bit
I've been doing some tweaks to fsx.cfg around texture bandwidth multiplier and bufferpools setting but thats about it..and now once again the buildings have disappeared from KLAS and KJFK (jetways are still there just no terminal buildings)
Steps I have tried
1) Uninstall and reinstall of both sceneries
2) Uninstall and reinstall of add on manager and coutl (says system can't find the files)
3) Excluded bglmanx.dll and coutl.exe from my AV solution (Microsoft forefront client security)
4) I CAN SEE BOTH THE COUTL and ADDON Manager menus in FSX
5) Removed Coutl and addon manager trust lines from FSX, and chose to "retrust" those modules during FSX start..
6) Verified scenery.cfg is formatted correctly

Nothing seems to work...please help  (what do i need to check in exe.xml and dll.xml?

« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 09:42:01 am by sk1212000 »


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4) I CAN SEE BOTH THE COUTL and ADDON Manager menus in FSX

This means you should simply save the trouble to look for all other solutions. All of them only mattered only if you didn't see either ( or both ) menus.

If you see the menus, it means everything runs correctly so, the problem is entirely different.

First, try to reinstall the stand-alone Addon Manager for FSX, with all the sceneries installed. If this doesn't fix the issue, check if you have a file named Couatl.err in your %APPDATA%\Virtuali folder. If you have it, please post the content.


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Thanks Virtuali, I'll try this tonite and report back


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Ok i just tried your suggestion, no luck.  Stand alone addon manager seemed to install fine (i did it under administrative priviliges).  However still no terminal buildings (couatl powered products and Addon manager menus are still there in FSX) and also both KJFK and KLAS show as being ACTIVE.

I looked in the virtuali folder in appdata and the only thing there is a keymappings.ini  there is no couatl.err file


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As I've said, the fact that you are seeing both menus, means everything is fine, from the software side or the "Windows issues" side. The program ARE running fine.

Have you moved the sceneries from their default location under the FSX\fsdreamteam folder ? This might be a problem.


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no they are still there in default folders.  any other ideas why terminal buildings not showing up?  anything i have to check in dll.xml or other XML files.


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I repeat and confirm again: there's NOTHING wrong in your XML file, your Trust section, your FSX.CFG, your antivirus config, your Windows config, and everything that has been discussed here.

ALL these troubleshooting solutions are only meaningful for user that DO NOT see either the Addon Manager menu or the Couatl menu, or both. If you see both menus, there's just nothing to be done, everything is working correctly and none of the suggestions are relevant to you, because the programs are both running fine.

Things that might prevent buildings to display, even with programs running, are:

- A Couatl module had an error. But you said you don't have any couatl.err file in %APPDATA%\Virtuali so, this is not the case

- You moved the sceneries from the default folder, this might prevent the Addon Manager installer to find and install updates for the sceneries, if needed.

- You are using a very old version of the sceneries. Have you tried with their current installer ?

- You have your Scenery Density slider too low. I think that it has to be at least at Normal.


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Just installed Honolulu scenery..same exact issue (and this is in trial mode).  So i don't think its an old version problem.
FSX and all addons are installed a separate drive (F:)..but this is verified during install of any addon including FSDream team scenery.

I'm really at a loss here. I want to buy the PHNL scenery but clearly can't if the terminal building don't work :(

One additional symptom I noticed..for all of the locations for where I have FSDreamTeam scenery installed (KJFK, KLAS, PHNL)..ever since the terminal buildings disappeared..FSX freezes for 2-3 seconds every 10 seconds. It only happens at these 3 airport locations where FSDT scenaries are installed
« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 08:07:01 am by sk1212000 »


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I'm sorry, but your problem defies any explanation, since the programs are working. If you can contact me via email, I can send you some debugging files that might help us to understand what's wrong with your system


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Same here, Ihave no buildings. I use to have Windows 7 64-bit but the OS crashed on me so many times that i went back to Vista Ultimate. When i had windows 7 The KLAS addon was working fine with buildings but this third party software would crash FSX. Now that i'm running Vista no crashes have been detected but I have no buildings. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the software and not sure what the problem is. This is an excellent addon for FSX and brings the Airport more realistic. What should i do? Please help FSDT! Thank you


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Have you tried to install the latest Stand-Alone Addon Manager for FSX, which is available on each scenery info page ? It's important that you install it after the sceneries.


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No I have not tried to install that. I've Seen that on many post here installing the Stand Alone Addon Manager but I'm not sure how to install it. Can you please show me step by step how to install it? I'll try to figure it out right now. Thank you


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Just download it ( the links it's on each scenery product page ), and install it.


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After a many month long hiatus i revisited this issue and am sad to say the problem with no buildings still exists and its in both KJFK and KLAS.   
To recap:

1) I have Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate
2) FSX installed on its on separate drive (F:)
3) Verified trusted modules entries in Fsx.cfg
4) reinstalled both addons and then also did the stand alon addon manager install. During the reinstall disabled my antimalware engines and then after reinstalled excluded the FSX folder from malware scanning

All of the needed menus show up in FSX but the one exception is that i need to run in FSX as an administrator to see the COutl powered menu drop down.  But even then still dont' see the buildings

I am really at a loss this point as to what to do.  DFW sounds very nice but i can't buy anymore FSDreamTeam sceneries till I can get JFK and LAS to work with buildings showing up