Of course it fails. You can't modify the exe, it will quit later because it detected it has been tampered with.
Seems not to quit here. Did a 2 hours flight yesterday, at P3D start, Couatl complains about being modified maybe by a virus,
I clicked OK on the button in the middle of the window (closing this popup by the X in the upper right disables GSX and XPOI).
Two hours later in LSGG, I called the little car that leads me to the gate.
There I found the marshaller, so it seems, no problem in my environment ?!?.
Or did I miss something ? I don't know much about moving jetways and these things as I fly GA
(my license is GSX, not GSX2, maybe that's the reasing it works in my case ?)
Even if I get the error of the missing GetErrorInfo, P3D comes up and GSX/XPOI work well.
My whole sim installation is outside C:\Program... , maybe that's the reason ?
Now I set all back to the original state.
Moving dll 1.1.1 to the Couatl64_P3D.exe folder and rename to 1.1.0 -> GetErrorInfo not found
Creating a Couatl64_P3D.exe.handle as
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/win32/dlls/dynamic-link-library-redirection mentions -> GetErrorInfo not found.
cmd-Window: C:\Windows\System32\CompatTel as first in PATH, then calling Couatl64_P3D -> GetErrorInfo not found
Looking deeper in Couatl64_P3D.exe, I find LoadLibraryA after the lib names (offset ~0016C630):
According to
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/libloaderapi/nf-libloaderapi-loadlibraryaa lib can be loaded outside the specifications of
Some bytes before, in the library list, I find "python27.dll".
So it may be python that loads these libs outside of the normal search order ?
https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ states "Python 3.9.10 cannot be used on Win 7 or earlier",
but python27.dll seems to belong to an older Python version ? Or just a compat lib in Python 3.9.10
BTW: these Api-ms-win-downlevel... libs are hard links (see "fsutil hardlink"), so copying them on the same drive doesn't create a separate instance but a new hardlink.