I'm not sure you understood my reply, I'll try again:
The aircraft.cfg only indicates which lights are active on any airplane (so the relevant default light keys can control them), and the position of the visual Effect associated to it.
Not all lights you see are found there, there might be other way to lit the airplane, which are defined in the airplane *model* ( the .MDL ) and might be very different from plane to plane and are:
- Night lightmaps, which are textures that turn on/off depending on the status of some light
- Visual effect added through "Attach Points", which are special properties of either a part of a model or a dummy object that is parented to it. There's some behavior code attached to it, which is embedded in the airplane .MDL file, which makes the light appear conditionally, but in this case they might be completely independent from the default light system, because the airplane developer might have a custom light system to overcome the limitation of the default one, and controls every kind of light in a custom way.
This is not unlike how custom door animation work but, with doors, GSX never tries to alter their status, but rather ask you to use the door. Asking you to open the door make sense to prevent GSX animations from starting and have crew/people passing through a closed door but, in case of lights, are you sure it would be of any value adding another question about asking you to turn on the lights ?
That, to keep in line with the principle of not wanting to alter the airplane status, because we might not know what might happen.