Hi -
Whenever I request services, I seem to be getting a crash with a CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED. I'm fully updated on the latest version of P3D v5.3, and have uninstalled and reinstalled several times + deleted the P3D cfg.
Requested assistance services at Gate 515
Error: exception CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED in call AICreateSimulatedObject param #1 'FSDT_Staircase_TLD_ABS-580_BA'
{'Airport': 'EGLL', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 515', 'User Pos': (51.47087181497522, -0.4858382862851842, 29.7547 m, 4.45472 m, 269.3091365316505, 0.004511456936597824, -0.0, 0.00017770668239040167, 4.572, 1.0)}
Is there any potential solution?