It would appear as though he is asking for it as an option, not something that's forced onto users.
Of course I understood he asked as an option but, the more options we add, the more complex the program is, and the more difficult becomes to provide support for it.
Do you have any idea how many users complained (not necessarily here, lots of users use email for support ) of a "bug" in GSX, always showing the same operator, only to realize they enabled the "Airline Override" option without even realizing what it does ?
So, each time a new option is suggested, we must carefully think if it's really *that* useful, and how will affect the majority of users AND our support.
In this case, the only time in which might be useful, is while you are adding the proper codes to the aircraft.cfg file to airplanes that don't have one so, it would be a temporary option at best, waiting to replace it with what should be the best approach: having the proper codes in the aircraft.cfg, so ULD won't just be varied and not random, they will also be correct.