when uninstalling GSX i get the "api"-error (see the attachment in my last post), the installation of gsx shows no error at all
As you can see from the screenshot you posted, the error comes from Prepar3d.exe itself so, it doesn't have anything to do with our installer, which is only CALLING Prepar3d.exe to ASK to remove the add-on, and Prepar3d.exe *ITSELF* it's telling you it has an install problem, which seems to be a serious one, since API.DLL it's Simconnect itself so, if that doesn't work correctly, no add-on will work.
As I've said, if other add-ons are working, that doesn't mean P3D it's ok. Some add-ons might use the legacy Simconnect for FSX, which can still be used to connect to P3D, and that's a completely different kind of library that is installed in a different way, with its own installer. But the native P3D Simconnect, which is required by GSX, which is a native P3D 64 bit client, should always work on a proper P3D install.
Maybe something *else* in your PC is missing, something required by the P3D Simconnect (but not by other legacy clients), like the VC++ runtime redistributables.
Which, again, are normally installed with P3D but, the issue with these libraries is that if they are corrupted or conflicting with each other, the normal install might not always be able to fix them.
Again, your problem seems to be with Prepar3D.exe *itself*, that's where your error message is coming from.