Author Topic: Help to a Newbie  (Read 1625 times)


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Help to a Newbie
« on: September 22, 2021, 06:54:37 pm »
Hi All,
I recently bought GSX and GSX 2 to use in my P3D 5.2.  No problem with install.  I noticed that catering and handling is usually default and the only way to assign a company is by entering the aircraft modification and assigning a company at the gate I may chose.  However, I have watched a couple of YouTube videos where the YouTuber was also using GSX and was able to assign a company depending on the livery they were flying to service the aircraft at either boarding, catering or deboarding from a dropdown list when the GSX menu is used in P3D.  Am I missing something to do to get that same ability?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



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Re: Help to a Newbie
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2021, 11:02:33 am »
Not sure what you mean with "catering and handling is usually default":

- If you mean you don't have a logo, that's because you haven't installed the recent update, which reinstates support for multi-liveries for handling, catering and jetway logo, which until recently was missing in P3D V5

- If you mean you see the operator, and it changes by airport using GSX scoring logic, that's exactly what is supposed to happen, if you don't choose the operator yourself using the parking customization page.

the only way to assign a company is by entering the aircraft modification and assigning a company at the gate I may chose

You mean the PARKING customization page. Nothing you do in the aircraft customization will have any effect on the choice of the handling/catering company, you can only choose the *type* of loaders/containers used, not the operator.

However, I have watched a couple of YouTube videos where the YouTuber was also using GSX and was able to assign a company depending on the livery they were flying to service the aircraft at either boarding, catering or deboarding from a dropdown list when the GSX menu is used in P3D

The livery you are flying doesn't have ANY effect on the choice of the handling/catering company. This is correct and has been explained in the manual and also explained so many times here and, the reasons why is that are multiple:

- Basing the choice of handling/catering on your livery is not realistic, because it would be AS IF you had your personal crew available everywhere. This would be particularly wrong when flying internationally: just because I'm flying Lufthansa, doesn't mean I should expect to have a Lufthansa crew if I land in China...

Handlers are something local to the airport, not to the company you are flying so, first and foremost, GSX assigns operators to airports, using a scoring system setup in the "rules" CFG files in the Addon manager\Texture folder, where each operator is given a score depending how many letters match the ICAO code of the airport so, you'll see one or more operators with the highest score at that airport. And with the airline codes of the parking spot used to "break ties" in case multiple operators have the same score, the ones matching the parking codes will "win" at that specific parking.

This is the "default" GSX choice.

When you customize the parking position, you can choose the handling and catering operator ( and jetway logos too ) from a list, so those will be always used on THAT parking, overriding any other scoring consideration. So, what you can do, is setup different areas of the airport with specific operators but, again, they'll never "switch" depending on the livery of your airplane, it's something we might add in the future, like an additional layer of choosing the "preferred" operator depending on your livery, but still provided it IS available *there*.

Instead, the livery you are flying affects the choice of ULD containers, so you won't have containers of one kind loaded at departure and different containers unloaded at arrival, which is what would happen if they were selected by airport, like the handlers/catering.