Products Support > Key West Support

Fort Jefferson Missing **SOLVED**

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--- Quote from: MadDog on September 23, 2021, 04:38:13 pm ---So are you saying that there is a newer version that corrects the issue; but it hasn't yet made it to the marketplace?  If so, that's good news.  What's the latest version number?  I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it and report back if it resolves the problem.
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Yes, we don't have much control on the time it takes for Microsoft to release updates.

--- Quote ---By the way, I'll agree not to open duplicate threads if you agree not to mark threads as solved before they're actually solved....
--- End quote ---

The problem which is the subject of this thread, which is the Ft. Jefferson missing, IS solved in fact. Your problem is just that Microsoft hasn't released it on the Marketplace yet but, since the thread here is to the benefit of everyone, saying it's solved IS the correct information.

Fact that updates are dramatically backlogged on the Ms Marketplace, is fairly well known and not by any means specific to us.

Just to follow up... Microsoft finally got around to providing the update on the marketplace tonight (v1.3.2) and the issue with Fort Jefferson is indeed resolved.  For anyone not familiar... even though it's just a few of islands out in the middle of nowhere, there is something magical about the place (especially at night with a bit of moonlight) and it's well worth the short trip from KEYW.  Be sure to take a seaplane!


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