Author Topic: Switzerland mesh and World Update  (Read 18115 times)


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Switzerland mesh and World Update
« on: September 05, 2021, 03:55:37 pm »

since the new world update for D A CH apparently includes new mesh data for CH and probably changes other things, and since you probably got to test the beta version of that world update by now:

Is the Switzerland mesh still compatible after tuesday's upcoming release of the WU?
If no, will there be an update from you coming with the world update? If again no, should I uninstall your mesh until your update arrives so it doesn't crash the sim or anything?

Thank you,


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2021, 09:28:57 am »
There's hasn't been any beta for World Update 6, which means:

- We don't know if there might be any problems between our mesh and the Swiss mesh that comes with WU6.

- We don't know if there are differences in coverage, resolution, performances, etc.

Something we didn't like with Switzerland in general, is the Bing images which were available in MSFS until now, were INACCURATE, with lots of misalignment between the Autogen buildings and the underlying photoreal scenery ( easily seen in the Gotthard pass area ). This made our mesh ( which is 100% accurate ) to not look as good as it could be, because of the underlying Bing images were in several places not properly aligned, not even with the autogenerated buildings, as if two different data sources were used. The problem could be seen even by going on Bing Maps with a browser, so it wasn't MSFS's fault, it was Bing data which was inaccurate in this area.

From the preview images that has been released, it seems the Bing images has been improved so, hopefully, we should see the same improvements in WU6, which might even result in our mesh looking better.

- If you are referring to the sim crashing with our Swiss mesh, as explained in many other posts, the problem has never been our mesh to begin with. The problem was caused by a BUG in Sim Update 5, resulting in some products in the Marketplace not working, while the same, identical version bought outside the Marketplace worked perfectly fine. It might be caused by encryption, since that's the only difference between files on downloaded from the Marketplace and regular scenery files like the ones sold on our site.

Microsoft still hasn't figured it out why this happens so, as a temporary fix, they asked us if it was ok to publish an update on the Marketplace without using encryption, and we agreed to that. The update has been released TODAY so, hopefully:

- The crashes caused by a bug in the sim not properly handling encrypted products should be fixed.

- Even if there was no Beta testing for WU6, MAYBE some of the MS Marketplace testers managed to try the Mesh together with the upcoming WU6, but that's just speculation. We'll only know for sure tomorrow.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 09:35:06 am by virtuali »


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2021, 05:52:33 pm »
Thank you for you answer. I removed it for now since I am not in the mood for any CTDs... I have to try the update itself first with the essential addons.
 I'd appreciate if anyone let's me know here that the mesh works fine with the new WU, then I'll gladly reinstall :)


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2021, 08:44:05 am »
So, has there been an update? Or does it work flawlessly?


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2021, 09:01:19 am »


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2021, 09:21:34 am »

I also wonder about the purchase of this mesh and its compatibility with the WU Switzerland
thank you for your feedback


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2022, 10:55:40 am »
Hi - since World Update 7 I get terrible stutters in VR & 2D when flying in the alps and having your mesh mode installed (i9 10900, RTX3080). No stutters without, but the terrain morphing is completely destroying the immersion as we all know...
I read in the official forum that most mesh addons have the same issue after WU7 (except for ORBX meshes, but they were obviously heavily involved in WU7...see thread "Stutters and freezes after World Update 7 with third-parts mesh (DEM)")
Do you plan to release an update? Thanks for the feedback.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2022, 10:59:45 am by HB2020 »


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2022, 11:09:08 am »
I read in the official forum that most mesh addons have the same issue after WU7 (except for ORBX meshes, but they were obviously heavily involved in WU7...)

The OrbX mesh is not working better because OrbX was involved.

It's likely because uses a very different method ( CGL vs Heightmaps most other mesh uses ) to do meshes which has other drawbacks, such the fact that when you install a mesh for some area, it will take over *any* other mesh AND photoreal scenery for a very large area that mesh resides is so, for example, if we did the same with Switzerland, you would be prevented to use any mesh for Italy or Austria together with it.

Also, the CGL method is completely undocumented and files are generated directly in binary format by unofficial tools, while the Heightmaps method we use is fully documented and files are compiled by the official SDK.

So, it seems the real problem is, something that was completely supported an documented in the SDK, is now having issues with the sim update, while the unofficial method for some reason is unaffected. Which shouldn't happened in the first place, since WU7 was supposed to be a scenery only update.

Do you experirence the same and is it planned to release an update? Thanks for the feedback.

We'll check this but, if the scenery worked fine before, and it got worse with the update, it's not as if we could do much about it. Nothing has changed in the SDK regarding Heightmaps in WU7 and files are 100% SDK compliant so, our only option is to reporting it to Microsoft.

However, something HAS changed in relationship with Heightmaps with the recently released Sim Update 8, so I'll sure to check it out and see if, maybe, recompiling with the latest build might improve it.


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2022, 11:38:54 am »
Thanks for the swift reply and the elaborated explanation. Your mesh is a real game changer for flying VFR in Switzerland and having it un-installed is a great shame.... :'(
Thanks for looking into it, very much appreciated.
And by the way - if you would release a mesh covering the entire alps ("...for a very large area that mesh resides is so") I would be the first one to buy it! :-)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2022, 11:42:26 am by HB2020 »


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2022, 11:51:56 am »
I've just made a short video with the Sim Update 8 Beta:

Yes, there has been a couple of stutters at 0:14 and 1:08 but, they don't seem to be much different than it used to be. Do you see something different/worse ?

The fps counter shows everything mostly "green", and VRAM usage is very low, all considering ( about 3.2 GB ). I'm running at Ultra with JUST the OBJECTS LOD set to 100 ( which is unrelated to terrain ). Do you have the Landmarks POIs visibility enabled ? I do recall some user finding they have some impact on stuttering, and the CH Mesh has quite a few of them.


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2022, 01:17:12 pm »
Thanks for the video. If you fly from Samedan towards Davos - so heavily populated with summits and in rather close proximity - I get tons of stutters (similar to the ones you experienced in your video but much more frequent and longer) - before WU7 this was definitely not case...
No POI displayed....I'm Swiss ;-)
You say you are using SU8 beta - probably it has been resolved in the meantime? (Im not a beta tester)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2022, 01:27:38 pm by HB2020 »


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2022, 09:19:51 pm »
I just tested it with SU8, unfortunately still heavy stuttering - with empty community folder and deleted rolling cache - can you @Virtuali try to start a flight at Landwasser-Viadukt and report on your experience?


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2022, 11:43:21 am »
I also have heavy stuttering and FPS drops to 1. I had to remove the Switzerland MESH. Now I can fly again at least... :-(


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2022, 09:39:41 pm »
I've just discovered that I had FSDream mesh in both my community folder and official packages.

Now that I have both removed I now longer get the non stop stuttering I experienced post SU8 over the alps.


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Re: Switzerland mesh and World Update
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2022, 07:01:59 am »
I also had very heavy stuttering making the sim unusable over Zurich and had to remove the Switzerland mesh. Yesterday my test flight in Zurich was perfect. My version was not bought from the marketplace.