Except for the first grey screenshot I did from GSX, I don't see the "INI"file in any of the other screenshots, only "BGL" files.
Then I suggest you look harder at the screenshots you posted, because I can clearly see it in 3 of them:
- In the screenshot named KDFW_gate.jpg, where you can see GSX helping you finding the file, with the exact path and name of the .INI file used, which points to your %APPDATA% folder, to a file named kdfw-giq4gi.ini
- In the screenshot named APPDATA.jpg, where the kdfw-giq4gi.ini is there with the others.
- In the screenshot named APPDATA2.jpg, where the kdfw-giq4gi.ini file is shown opened with Notepad, indicating that, not only you were able to find the file, but you even opened it!
As I've said, just remove it from the %APPDATA%Virtuali folder, because it's clearly there.