Ok for Cayrtana in Madrid Barajas Aerosoft I only have *.ini file that goes tu Virtuali/GSX. Then I deactivate the jetways from scenery folder in aerosoft to*.off.
That seems to indicate this scenery doesn't come with SODE jetways because, if you need to rename a .BGL in the scenery folder, it means they are standard jetways.
I also deactivate SODE. Otherwise SODE will generate ones.
Ok, so the scenery has BOTH standard and SODE jetways ? If this is they case, then yes, you must disable BOTH the SODE XML file and the .BGL that creates jetways in the scenery folder.
After that I can see jetways above the airport floating. Yes I have ORBX, but in my FTX I don’t see the option for the elevation.
That's a problem caused by OrbX. If they don't allow you to fix that airport for some reason, you can try using the small airplane icon on the top right of the GSX scenery customization page near the Ground Elevation tab, which will read the actual elevation from the sim instead of the AFCAD, which usually results in fixing all these elevation conflicts caused by OrbX.