GSX manual, Page 48, the paragraph titled "
Snap to AFCAD mode or Free/QuickEdit mode"
Editing a Custom Pushback works very differently, depending if the “Snap to AFCAD” checkmark is enabled or not. With the option Enabled, the Pushback will be constrained by the underlying AFCAD structure, and with the option Disabled, it will work in “Free” mode.
When the nodes are solid Blue, it means you are in "Snap" mode, so you cannot edit nodes, because you are constrained by the underlying AFCAD, so you can only CHOOSE which node you want to use as the custom pushback destination.
When you are in "Free/Quickedit" mode, there will be no nodes at start, and if you add them, they'll appear with a number, to indicate they have been added by you, and the underlying AFCAD is not used.