Author Topic: MSFS Aircraft  (Read 3871 times)


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MSFS Aircraft
« on: April 26, 2021, 11:11:49 pm »
This is an open ended question so jump right in.
Is there any rumors about Microsoft adding more default aircraft to this sim. For example, Boeing 737-800 and a Lear Jet, which coincidentally are two of my favorite aircraft, or is the package pretty much final. My FSX still works well.
Third party aircraft are OK, but some don't work well with FSDT GSX.


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Re: MSFS Aircraft
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2021, 02:44:36 pm »
I not sure I understand your question.

We don't have GSX for MSFS yet so, if you install MSFS, none of the airplanes ( default or not ) will work with GSX since...there's no GSX.

Of course, when GSX will be out for MSFS, it will allow to customize any airplane ( default or not ) to be used with it.


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Re: MSFS Aircraft
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2021, 08:32:26 pm »
My question was, has anyone heard anything about MSFS adding default aircraft.
Secondly, SOME third party aircraft are not compatible with GSX functions so that would be my reluctance to use them.

MSFS does not have my favourite aircraft as default, so that's why I'm in no rush to buy it.


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Re: MSFS Aircraft
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2021, 09:41:21 pm »
1. It would seem that the best place to find answers about default MSFS aircraft would be the default MSFS forum/site.
2. ALL third party aircraft, at the moment, are not compatible with GSX funtions because as Virtuali (the developer of GSX) said, GSX IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR MSFS.

Since MSFS does not have your favorite aircraft then you are just gonna have to keep waiting until it does...or...strange idea....enjoy the aircraft that are available.  You pain is you choice.


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Re: MSFS Aircraft
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2021, 11:09:39 pm »
2. ALL third party aircraft, at the moment, are not compatible with GSX funtions because as Virtuali (the developer of GSX) said, GSX IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR MSFS.

Do you have a reading and comprehension problem. The statement ''that some third party aircraft are not compatible with GSX'' was a general statement about all third party aircraft regardless of which sim they are used on. ''GSX is not available for MSFS'' I get that, you do not have to use capital letters, grow up.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 11:11:59 pm by bcm652 »


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Re: MSFS Aircraft
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2021, 10:35:00 am »
The statement ''that some third party aircraft are not compatible with GSX'' was a general statement about all third party aircraft regardless of which sim they are used on.

That wasn't very clear, especially considering is basically wrong, at least without specifying which 3rd party aircraft you are referring to.

GSX supports lots of 3rd party aircraft with its internal configurations, but that doesn't mean if an airplane is not internally supported, that it cannot be adapted to work well with GSX, provided the configuration is done correctly, and this can be done either by the user, or by the airplane developer, who might have an easier time knowing, which custom variables he used for things like doors, for example.

SOME smart developers like FS Labs, Aerosoft and Leonardo SH went the extra mile, and added their own custom coding to make using GSX even more realistic and streamlined, but the airplanes were already usable even without any special integration, like any other airplane that doesn't have any.

So no, you can't say "some third party aircraft are not compatible with GSX", because it's not really true.

Even the trickiest ones, like the Majestic Q400 that uses a custom flight and engine simulation, so GSX would normally have an hard time detecting if engines are running (for example) can be used with some workarounds like pressing Ctrl+Shift+F1 to shut down the default fuel flow the plane is not really using but GSX needs to know if the engines are stopped.

And, of course, GSX is more oriented to airliners, so it might not fit that well smaller planes like business jets or other GA, but it still can be used, just some animations might not always look right, but still you can't say is not "compatible" with these, because you can still use it.


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Re: MSFS Aircraft
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2021, 06:46:13 pm »
And, of course, GSX is more oriented to airliners, so it might not fit that well smaller planes like business jets or other GA, but it still can be used, just some animations might not always look right, but still you can't say is not "compatible" with these, because you can still use it.
That's a fair comment and is probably what I was referring to. The third party King Air 350 does not have any animations compared to FSX default King Air 350. But, I was just making a statement, it was not a complaint. Over all, GSX works very well with default aircraft in my FSX and I'm happy with that. MSFS is not on my must have list anyway.