I know you’re working on the GSX version for MS2020 and P3D V5, but I still don’t understand why you removed the logos from the catering, puschback, loader, etc because I don’t see the connection between working for MS2020 and removing logos for GSX users on P3D but anyway.
Developers privilege too MUCH MS2020 the players of MS2020 are people who know nothing about aviation and play with MS2020 default planes. In P3D we are community passionate about airplanes we fly with realistic planes and not planes by default, I understand that you make money with MS2020 but stop a little and come back on P3D because there are many more people.
This is not the topic, my topic today is about the loader are you working on the different size for loaders ? I used to be a baggage handler, and the loader that we have in GSX is only for the B777, 747 A330, etc not for the Airbus A320 and A321.
My question is : Are you going to include two different loader sizes ?
I put two different images one for the A320/A321 and the second for the others planes B777,B747,A330,A340 etc.