Products Support > LFEQ Quiberon for MSFS

Isn't windsock 180 degrees wrong direction?

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I acquired Quiberon product directly from FSDT. Not thru the Microsoft Market Place because of what you mentioned. And because I always prefer direct business with the developer. In this case, it's my mistake ;)

Now, I have to suffer of the windsock issue because FSDT distributs theirs products through a channel I'm not using. Why don't FSDT release an update (it's a 3 digit in an xml file) the same way I acquire directly the product ? I don't understand why one of your distribution channel should impact the direct customer experience of the other.

But for sure and at the end of the day it's "no big deal", now I more than reluctant to acquire any FSDT products because of all this thread ;) We progress... kind of.


--- Quote from: vbazillio on April 08, 2021, 02:22:26 pm ---I acquired Quiberon product directly from FSDT. Not thru the Microsoft Market Place because of what you mentioned. And because I always prefer direct business with the developer. In this case, it's my mistake
--- End quote ---

You got it backwards. Yes, we COULD release a quick fix but the issue is the opposite: we don't want to let users buying on the MS Marketplace feel discriminated, like it happened in the past.

--- Quote ---Now, I have to suffer of the windsock issue because FSDT distributs theirs products through a channel I'm not using.
--- End quote ---

And of course, users on the MS Marketplace would have to "suffer" because we released a fix on a channel THEY don't use.


I acquired your Quiberon product from the MS Market and I have an incorrect windsock too. I also acquired another airport from the MS Market (not a FSDREAMTEAM product) and the windsock is perfect.

I don't know what is wrong with your windsock and I don't care. Refusing a fix to your customers is not fair. Maybe you'll have to provide a new fix if ASOBO decide to change something related to windsocks in the future, that's part of the business. I fully agree with the previous customer : don't be LAZY.

Please provide a fix, a complete package, a simple file to download from your website to replace a file in the installed airport folder, a list of steps to change a value directly in one of your airport files.. whatever, choose the solution you prefer. But please give us a fix.



--- Quote from: ldumas on April 17, 2021, 01:40:55 pm ---I acquired your Quiberon product from the MS Market and I have an incorrect windsock too.
--- End quote ---

All sceneries bought on our site has already the fixed Windsocks because, once we was it wasn't fixed by Asobo in WU4, we fixed it on our side but, of course, this is only valid for products bought on our site, since they can be easily updated with our Live Updater.

Products sold on the MS Marketplace require to be approved again, and it might take weeks, because there's a queue of new products coming out and old products updates, and it's not something we can control.


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