Hi to all, I have a concern regarding on the GSX ground services with PANC scenery. I launch FSX with PMDG 737 and after loaded the PANC scenery all SODE jetways are there. I call GSX ground services via CRTL+F12 and the GSX menu pops-up as it should but it says "No Jetways Here".
So, I close the GSX menu and I restart Couatl. I call GSX again and now, the jetways operate nicely. On the way, I load another gate with jetway and all working just fine.
I shut down FSX. Later, I launch the same exactly scenario and again GSX says "No Jetways Here". I restart Couatl and all as normal again. I close FSX and come back, same thing.
Do I have to restart Couatl every time after loaded the scenery? I thought, such "restart couatl" is automatic. Am I missing something?
After loading PANC scenery with FSX and GSX still the "No Jetways Here" message and close GSX but I don restart Couatl. So, continuing with this I load another scenery as SAWH and the jetways from SAWH work just fine with GSX. Then, I load back to PANC scenery and the jetways works as expected. It didn't work at first loading.
Is it a "bug"?