Author Topic: Taxiway Posts/Lights All Over Runways at Many Airports After UK Update  (Read 4693 times)


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Howdy folks,

I just installed the UK update, and noticed that a lot of my addon airports now have taxiway posts/lights all over the runways- just like we have in the default airports. The only sceneries I own that don't have them seem to be from Flightbeam. I'll keep testing- but KORD for sure has the problem. KSDF too.


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Re: Taxiway Posts/Lights All Over Runways at Many Airports After UK Update
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2021, 11:42:56 pm »
a lot of my addon airports now have taxiway posts/lights all over the runways- just like we have in the default airports.

Yes, we noticed it, of course, and it affects basically all airports that use custom shapes for runway edge lights ( called "Light Rows" in the Scenery Editor ). Asobo has of course already notified about this and yes, it affects even some default airports which were added in the previous US update.

Nothing we can do about it, other than waiting for a fix.


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Re: Taxiway Posts/Lights All Over Runways at Many Airports After UK Update
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2021, 05:22:13 pm »
Thanks for the insight- it seems as though this problem is getting noticed on the MSFS forum too.

Random idea- have you guys ever considered making an addon that replaces default runway/airport markings/signs/textures with yours? REX did it for FSX and P3D- but maybe you can beat them to the punch:-) KORD and SDF are absolutely magnificent.