Hi team,
from what I have learnt here
https://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,17202.msg121160.html#msg121160 (I hope this is still the most current version of de-icing rules) I would expect GSX to offer de-icing when
Outside temp < +8°C
( Dewpoint >= (Outside Temp -2) OR it's snowing)
Is that still correct?
I have encountered some situations where de-icing was offered where I think it should not.
Current example: EDDW 131420Z 15003KT 9999 FEW015 M01/M07 Q1042 R88/190095 NOSIG
Outside temp = -1°C
Dewpoint = -7°C
It's not snowing
In this case, the GSX menu asks me if I want to have de-icing treatment. Yes, outside temp is below +8°C but it's not snowing, and dewpoint is lower than 2 degrees below outside temp. I would think that in this example without snow, the dewpoint needs to be -1, -2 or -3°C for de-icing.
Maybe there has changed anything in the meantime?
Using P3Dv4 and Active Sky with GSX Level 2
I have enabled logging of offsets within FSUIPC to make it clearer:
x28D0 delivers outside temperature in °F: 30.178346 / -32 then *5 /9 delivers °C -> -1.01°C
x04C8 delivers dewpoint and needs to be divided by 256 -> 63744 / 256 = 249 -> if it's above outside temp, 256 need to be subtracted: 249-256 = -7°C
x04CC delivers precipitation: 1 = rain / 2 = snow / 0 = none