Products Support > Vancouver CYVR support MSFS

Bought new computer, how do I redownload FSDT Live Update and my MSFS Vancouver?


Bought a new computer, how do I redownload FSDT Live Update and my MSFS Vancouver?
I don't see anywhere to download the FSDT Live Update as a standalone or to log in
to redownload my MSFS Vancouver.  I own a number of your P3D products.  How will I
be able to get rebates on the future MSFS versions.  Do you have a record of purchases?

thanks, Brian Szuch

I did find my initial downloaded airport exe file so the first part of my question along with the Live Update is now solved.
Still have the question on my other past P3D airports and discounts for your MSFS versions to come.

thanks, Brian Szuch

Each time we released a product that had an upgrade path from P3D to MSFS ( right now it happened for KORD V2 for P3D and CYVR ), we sent an email to all users that ever bought these products from us, with a custom discount applied to their shopping cart.  For those that bought on Simmarket, the discount will be offered if the qualifying product was also bought on Simmarket.


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