Products Support > Key West Support

Massive KEYW terminal in Nassau **SOLVED**

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Yes i mean since last KEYW update the large buildings are gone, but try flying into MYNN on runway 14 and you can't miss the large, oversized block left of the runway. I'm not saying its definitely related, but it might be.


--- Quote from: Floridaman on February 17, 2021, 02:48:10 am ---try flying into MYNN on runway 14 and you can't miss the large, oversized block left of the runway.
--- End quote ---

Can't see anything wrong there, see the attached screenshot. Are you sure what you see is coming from FSDT KEYW ?

Don't just remove the scenery with the Windows Uninstall.
 Delete all of the files manually as well from the Community folder.
 Re-download the installer.
Reinstall the scenery.
Finally success.


--- Quote from: Cmacker on February 22, 2021, 03:14:00 am ---Don't just remove the scenery with the Windows Uninstall.  Delete all of the files manually as well from the Community folder.
--- End quote ---

That's exactly what the uninstaller does.

--- Quote --- Re-download the installer. Reinstall the scenery.
--- End quote ---

No need to re-download it, of course. The Live Update that is made at the end will always download and install the very latest files.

If those statements held true in my case, I wouldn't have needed to uninstall and reinstall it.
Whatever. Success achieved.


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