So, I've done quite a bit of testing with this. It's not happening because of FSDT KORD because the same issue happens at the Asobo handcrafted KORD. I cannot load any flight at any gate I've tried. I've also tried different liveries and aircraft using the same gate to check that...negative...still the CTD. The only thing I can come up with is that it has to do with the Navigraph data and the missing runway issue. No other airport gives me this issue that I've tried and it makes KORD completely unusable as a departure and I'm not gonna waste my time trying it as an arrival because I fear CTD on approach. Guess I'll just have to wait for an update or something. If anyone is having this issue or more importantly, NOT having this issue, I would love to know what you're using and try to isolate the cause. Thx. Happy New Year!