Author Topic: KLAS activation issues December 2020  (Read 19259 times)


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KLAS activation issues December 2020
« on: December 10, 2020, 08:30:10 pm »

I am running FS9.1 on Windows10 64bit. I have FSDT KORD, KJFK, LSGG and LSZH purchased from PC Aviator in Feb/March this year and KDFW, KFLL, KLAX and KLAS purchased from Simmarket within the last week or so installed. Some of these sceneries use a 30digit alphanumeric license key and some a hyphenated alphanumeric key starting FSDT. All bar KLAS are behaving themselves. Every time I start FS9 I am advised that KLAS requires activation and do I want to activate it. I answer YES and enter my licence key starting "FSDTKLAS-". I am then presented with a Product Activation screen stating an internet connection is required. Answering Connect at this stage leads to further guidance/options that ultimately lead to esellerate servers (I think FSDT no longer use this commerce partner but may be wrong) that fail to connect etc. At this stage I cancel out and I'm advised the activation has been successful and I should make a copy of my reg file. And, KLAS works in FS9. However, when I next start FS9 I am again advised KLAS requires activation and the whole process starts again. I have deactivated and uninstalled KLAS and reinstalled but the issue persists. Any help and advice on how to cure this issue would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Richard


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Re: KLAS activation issues December 2020
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2020, 11:00:34 am »
You must download and install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager for FS9, which connects to the new activation servers on QLM/Soraco, since the old version only works with Esellerate, that closed last year, so there's no activation servers to connect to.

The new version accepts BOTH kind of Serial Numbers: the old Esellerate ones starting with FSDT-xxxx, and the new ones from QLM starting with A


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Re: KLAS activation issues December 2020
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2020, 03:27:40 pm »
Great, but in looking for the Addon manager I have discovered...

the FSDTeam main site FAQ says:

"Where's the Stand-Alone Addon Manager?
There's a link to download the latest version of the Stand-Alone Addon Manager on every "Info" page for every product. Whenever you have an issue regarding the Addon Manager, is strongly suggested to install the latest version. There's also a separate Addon Manager page HERE which leads to "

Clicking the last link above results in...

"404 Not Found
Code: NoSuchKey
Message: The specified key does not exist.
Key: sa-addon-manager-setup9
RequestId: 45035223E1873C8A
HostId: jxaSOCM49SQbqjok0qlEvU3CQmaaAYEglAXVokzwulqP1W0P25RFkujnwrtEo+wa+gJAIUWS/P0="

The Las Vegas McCarran product "Info" page says...

"Standalone Addon Manager
The Stand-Alone Addon Manager is no longer required. Just run the FSDT Live Update from the Desktop, to keep all your FSDT products constantly updated."

I cannot find the 'FSDT Live Update' on my Desktop or anywhere else on my PC.

So, referring to your previous reply stating "You must download and install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager for FS9..."

Would you mind confirming this - as it appears to contradict advice given on the KLAS product page - and if correct would you mind posting a working download link to the most recent FS9 version, please?

Many thanks, Richard
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 06:53:02 pm by rga748 »


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Re: KLAS activation issues December 2020
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2020, 09:34:37 pm »
Update - I located a download link to what I believe may be the latest version of the FS9 Addon manager in this forum thread,22571.0.html

I have downloaded and installed Addon Manager v1.9.2 for FS9.  On starting FS9 I still get a message stating KLAS requires activation and still get directed to esellerate i.e. exactly the same scenario as described in my previous post.

Where am I going wrong?
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 09:17:04 pm by rga748 »


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Re: KLAS activation issues December 2020
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2020, 07:49:43 pm »
And something else I noticed whilst installing Addon Manager v1.9.2 is that it downloaded (I watched the screen display this as it did so) the file qw757.gau for some strange reason. I know this gauge is used by the QualityWings 757 which I have installed on my system and have been using successfully.  Well, I was until today. When I now attempt to load the QW 757 FS9 crashes. It could be a sheer coincidence but I think it's unlikely.


13/DEC/2020 - reinstalled my QW 757 for FS9 (thereby restoring the proper qw757.gau) and I'm pleased to advise my QW 757 is now working.


FSDT KLAS isn't though or more accurately its registration isn't

« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 07:06:17 pm by rga748 »


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Re: KLAS activation issues December 2020
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2020, 08:16:19 pm »
EUREKA - started FS9 answered NO when asked if I wanted to activate KLAS. Took off from KSEA in my QW 757 and after a short while decided to Register Serial for KLAS via the Addon Manager menu. And, all went well :-)

And, all continues to go well :-)

Not sure why exactly but I'm not complaining.

FSDT can you advise if there is a newer version of Addon manager than v1.9.2 and if so provide a download link, please?  I may not use it straight away but I'll keep it safe for next time ;-)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 08:17:52 pm by rga748 »


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Re: KLAS activation issues December 2020
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2020, 09:48:33 am »
The link on the forum is correct and points to the latest Addon Manager for FS9, the wrong link on the website has been fixed now.