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FSXBA Hornet Troubleshooting for P3D

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Greetings to FSDreamTeam and the rest of the F/A-18 Acceleration community!

I want to start out by saying how impressed and thankful I am for the work many of you have done on the F/A-18. The Hornet is one of my favorite aircraft and seeing it in its current iteration is immensely enjoyable. And all as freeware!  ;D

I understand much of the work done so far has been done by folks in their free time, some of whom have already moved on to other things. But having just downloaded this aircraft after following its development for years, I was hoping to ask some questions.

I'm currently using version 18.3 for P3D. I have resolved most of the issues simply reading through the forum but I wasn't able resolve all of them. Any help from anyone still following this forum would be appreciated.

Currently, I have an APU ACC caution that is always on as soon as I load the aircraft. Additionally, my hyd gauges all show zero. But I am able to fly the aircraft so is this an issue with my gauge files? How can I remove the caution and restore my gauges?

I have the same issue with my standby instruments, as well.

Finally, I wanted to know if there's a way to rename some of the textures I select on P3D loading scenarios?

I'm not sure if any of these are normal or not. If so, no worries. I still enjoy the work you all have done.

Thanks in advance!

Hey, guys!

The folks who created this mod have likely moved on, but if there's anyone with any knowledge who can help out I'd be grateful.

Since this last post I've started using 18.4 and purchased Tacpack. Unfortunately, since installing Tacpack not only do I not have FLIR functionality, the A/A and A/G radar are no longer working. Both display a radar sweep and no bricks/terrain as before.

Any ideas where I can start troubleshooting this?

Hi, bud. I feel bad that nobody has tried to help you, so....I inquired about the FLIR issue awhile ago, when the forum was "active". The answer was that it did not work in P3D, only FSX. Which I can verify that's true. The fix never came out, sadly. So don't click the FLIR switch in the lower left console, or everything will just go black! I guess we have to live with it, as it looks like they aren't developing it any further. Unless you still have it in FSX, where it does work.

Happy Holidays,


Sorry, I meant the lower RIGHT console

Ah, I suppose that explains it. I hope the project is picked up again by someone. The Hornet is one of my favorite platforms out there.

Since I have your attention, was your radar functioning with Tacpack installed? Before I installed Tacpack (in advance of the VRS Rhino release and having assumed it's needed for the FLIR to function) the A/A and A/G radar were working fine. In fact, I was able to lock on to contacts while I was flying. The radar screen still loads unlike the FLIR page but nothing shows up in either mode.

Thanks for answering my questions, Mike! Wishing you a happy holiday, as well!


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