Author Topic: GSX Update suggestions  (Read 1429 times)


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GSX Update suggestions
« on: December 11, 2020, 12:25:01 pm »
Dear Virtuali.
A couple of minor requests.

- can GSX gpu be made COMPLIANT whit the NGXu?

- API alternative suggestion (menu is destroying the moment of joy )
I do have a middleway suggestion  which is less work for u.
 but it helps us  as external software developers incorporate GSX easy!

maybe create offsets to the same name  as the buttons  example "LVAR_GSX_MENU_P1_B1 = 1 or 0" (1 is click)
p = page b is button
 basicly whit this way we can do 95% of GSXs command invisseble

Code: [Select]
if (button1 = press or  LVAR_GSX_MENU_P1_B1 = 1) {
  do the gsx internal job
  LVAR_GSX_MENU_P1_B1 = 0;

and then maybe for gate i have a suggestion.
add this in one of ure setupforms as a textbox?
and allow the textbox be written  via lvar or direct

this allows GSX to be used whit current ATC data
if(lVAR_GSX_GATE_SELECT != "") {
   this.formname.GATE.Value = lVAR_GSX_GATE_SELECT


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Re: GSX Update suggestions
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2020, 12:27:36 pm »
because lets face it.

GSX buttons is 99% predicteble