Author Topic: Jet ways wont align properly?  (Read 11198 times)


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Jet ways wont align properly?
« on: December 09, 2009, 04:44:09 am »

I just purchased this set (Kennedy Int) and I was very excited about using double (or even triple) jet ways, but unfortunately they don't work on my airplanes, especially Boeing 747-200 (Commercial Level Simulation) I also tried on a B777 from POSKY.

Here is what I have noticed so far: I first do this: crtl+shift+P, first to choose the gate I would like to park (right now A6, since is the only one with 3 jet ways at Kennedy... I think) so anyways I park, and the screen gate in front reads :OK and I get a message on the left top corner that reads something like this: "very good parking" etc. then I supposed to called for the jet way, right? crtl+J and the jet ways should come into place? I am confused as I am not sure if I have to try crtl+F12? and from there call the other jet ways? If I just use crtl+J the jet way does not align properly on the B747, stays away and the rubber that hugs the airplane around the door does not works.... is it a bug?

I am a novice in regards to anything related to programing or adding code to files, is just not my area of expertise. Therefore I am not the type that would add filters or panels, or third parties additions to my planes
Is there way to have this fix?

Please help! and I can't wait to try the other airports! Thanks a lot.


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Re: Jet ways wont align properly?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 11:50:15 am »
The jetway is controlled by FSX itself, we just modeled it, but its behaviour is out of our control. However, for a jetway to work, the airplane needs to have its exists in the aircraft.cfg specified in the FSX format with coordinates, otherwise the jetway will not extend.

So, first you need to check if your airplane has the exits locations correctly set. You can also try with a default 747.

About the 3rd jetway at JFK, as clearly explained in the manual, this one can ONLY be used with an A380 so, if you are in a different airplane, the CTRL+F12 menu will not list the option to extend the 3rd jetway.

If you *are* in an A380, the correct way of using it, is to first park correctly using the docking system, then extend the main jetways using the default CTRL+J command, and the additional one, using CTRL+F12 and the appropriate menu option, which will appear only if you are in an A380.


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Re: Jet ways wont align properly?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2009, 06:19:02 pm »
Thanks for the reply!
I understand, but the same airplane (B747 CLS) at a different location (CYYZ) does not have this problem. The jet way connect nicely.
In other words, you are saying that the airport design was worked based on the 747 that comes with FSX ONLY, and not with third party airplanes? Please clarify:)

Could you tell me which version of A380 are you currently using? I have been looking for a good model, but reviews have not been satisfying for the ones I have found. Please and thanks!


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Re: Jet ways wont align properly?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2009, 06:33:51 pm »
Thanks for the reply!
I understand, but the same airplane (B747 CLS) at a different location (CYYZ) does not have this problem. The jet way connect nicely.

My explanation was the "short version". You don't want to hear the long version, which means, the default jetways have very limited excursion ranges and are almost always the same size/shape at every airport, and they DO have problems too, like gears going into the ground with some airplanes. So, the default FSX jetway handling method is likely to having being tuned for the default jetways, and might have issues when different and more varied positions and sizes are used.

In other words, you are saying that the airport design was worked based on the 747 that comes with FSX ONLY, and not with third party airplanes?

Never said something like that. I've just said that is always best to check with a default airplane first, also becase that is sure to be an FSX native model.

The scenery is not "modeled" for any specific airplane: it's just modeled according to the official SDK specifications for creating a custom jetway (which are not that clear, nobody else figured it out how to do it, before Microsoft published a video tutorial about it, but we were already doing custom jetways long before that...) but, other than that, we don't have much control on where the jetways goes.

It theory, it should work with any airplane that has the exits included in the FSX format. But in practice, this can't work with every airplane, because FSX will always try to have the jetway reaching the airplane door, even if that specific jetway might not have the required size or extensibility to do this, which also depends on where you actually park the airplane and where the parking center is located.

So, it's no an 100% foolproof system, and it's not something we can control much. It might be, in the event we'll decide to bypass the FSX default jetway system, to replace it with our own, which is something we might consider doing in the future.

Could you tell me which version of A380 are you currently using? I have been looking for a good model, but reviews have not been satisfying for the ones I have found. Please and thanks!

We tried it with the Wilco. It's not a very high-end product but, it suits our needs, which were just testing if the jetway worked.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 06:35:33 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Jet ways wont align properly?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2009, 10:02:39 pm »

I tried to park the original B747 that came with FSX on gate A6, which has the double jet ways, but again, only one of them works. Is there a way to have this fix? I mean the whole reason I purchased this airport was because I wanted to be able to use double jet ways on a large aircraft. I do understand that works on your A380, but I am not planning on purchasing that model in particular, as I've read it's poor design.
Are you guys planning on a update soon? thanks.

Bruce Hamilton

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Re: Jet ways wont align properly?
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 10:22:50 pm »
I do understand that works on your A380, but I am not planning on purchasing that model...

I don't remember Virtuali releasing an A380, did I miss something?   ???
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Re: Jet ways wont align properly?
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2009, 01:02:32 am »
I tried to park the original B747 that came with FSX on gate A6, which has the double jet ways, but again, only one of them works.

Nobody said that double jetways would work. JFK, as with all our other sceneries, uses the default FSX jetway system, which means we model a jetway, and FSX controls it. FSX only supports ONE jetway, reaching to ONE door so, double jetway will never work under this sytem.

The A380 triple jetway case is an exception to this, more like a one-time only special case. But, again, nowhere we said that, on that triple jetway, that all 3 will work. When we said that an A380 can trigger the triple jetway, it only means that, if you have an A380 (any A380, provided it's an FSX airplane), the 1st will work because it's controlled by FSX, and the 3rd one (only) can be moved by the user. Nothing has ever been said about the 2nd one...

Is there a way to have this fix?

There's nothing to "fix", because it's obviously not a bug. Many sceneries out there don't even have ANY moving jetways, not even single, let alone double and triple...

I mean the whole reason I purchased this airport was because I wanted to be able to use double jet ways on a large aircraft.

Now, I think you are exaggerating it a little bit: you bought this scenery because it's JFK and you might have been interested in that airport, and I don't think there are better JFK sceneries out there.

But if having a double jetway was so important to you, up to the point of deciding to purchase or not based on that feature, you could have check it out how it worked first hand, by using the Trial version, which the only reason for it to exists, is to allow customers to check before purchasing, it the product satisfies they own expectations.

I do understand that works on your A380, but I am not planning on purchasing that model in particular, as I've read it's poor design.

We haven't made any A380, Wilco have one. We just *tested* it only with that model but, there are no reasons why it would work with another A380.

However, there might be a solution in your case, and it would be to buy AES credits for JFK. AES is a software from Aerosoft, that will allow to have, amongst several other things, more flexibility with jetways, since it use its own method to animate jetways, which is independent from FSX.


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Re: Jet ways wont align properly?
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2009, 12:13:27 am »
quote: "Nobody said that double jetways would work"

Alright, but my point is: that you did not mention whether the jet way would work on any other plane on the description of your video. You 'teased' me by showing me a video of an airplane, in this case A380, that can trigger the jet ways, it doesn't matter if is triggered by FSX or by a user. I think it should of at least said that the double jet ways would not work on all planes or any in this case.
It's just a little deceiving in my opinion just because of the video...

quote: "Now, I think you are exaggerating it a little bit: you bought this scenery because it's JFK and you might have been interested in that airport, and I don't think there are better JFK sceneries out there. "

Now, you can't just assume that I am exaggerating. That IS the whole reason I bought this, I bought this scenery because of that simple thing! I completely went nuts when I saw that working! Just because I've never seen it before (in the world of FSX that is) and I thought it would be the coolest thing. I've expend months looking for ground vehicles, and airports with high quality content and that is the reason I bought this. Plus, I am not arguing with you about the fabulous details on this airport, that is out of the question, it is beautiful!

Secondly, I don't think you should act defensive.. no worries! I am not asking for my money back! I might even buy the other sets...

AES??? What is that? could you elaborate a little more??



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Re: Jet ways wont align properly?
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2009, 01:24:17 pm »
Alright, but my point is: that you did not mention whether the jet way would work on any other plane on the description of your video. You 'teased' me by showing me a video of an airplane, in this case A380, that can trigger the jet ways, it doesn't matter if is triggered by FSX or by a user. I think it should of at least said that the double jet ways would not work on all planes or any in this case. It's just a little deceiving in my opinion just because of the video...

Sorry, but this reasoning might had some sense, if the scenery didn't had a Trial version. Since the Trial is freely downloadable, you could either try it yourself, or at least reading the manual, which clearly explain the additional jetways are available only in that parking, and only for the A380.

BTW, I wasn't clear enough about the A380. *With* an A380 ONLY, all 3 jetways WILL work at that parking. It's just that you can't  control them independently. Meaning, the 1st one will be handled by FSX, using the normal CTRL+J command. The 2nd and 3rd will move together controller by our custom menu. But, you need to use an A380, any model should work. If you are not flying an A380, only the 1st jetway will work.

That's why we don't think it useful to spend too much time describing the scenery in detail with screenshots, videos, etc. What's better than letting users trying it for themselves ? BECAUSE video and screenshots can be "deceiving", we offer you the actual scenery to try so, you just can't say you have been deceived by the video...

AES??? What is that? could you elaborate a little more??

It's a program from Aerosoft, that does a lot of things related to ground support, including more flexible jetways. It's a free download, but in order to have an airport supported, you need to buy credits for it. JFK is included in the list of airports that can be enabled.,,D10333