Hey Umberto,
Think I have all my stuff updated (on 1.1 of the Key West scenery bought in the marketplace), have no scenery mods in the Community folder except FB's KDEN, and ran the FSDT live updater just to be safe.

When I select Key West and try to start my flight there...it CTDs every time. Tried it with a few different planes.
Love the scenery....just not sure it if needs a patch from you after the patch that fixed the sub-patch that maybe fixed the CTDs after maybe rolling back your version of Windows or removing files in some odd directory that MSFS tech support recommends.

Not sure how you're not pulling your hair out after every MSFS patch that's breaking commercial products bought in
their marketplace! (maybe you are, hehe...I just know that your products are awesome and I thoroughly enjoy them, and also the very detailed explanations you give over at Avsim when people talk about addons with obviously no clue on what it takes to put them in the sim)