Products Support > Vancouver CYVR support MSFS

CYVR MSFS 2020 Feedback

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Firstly, nice work!

Couple issues that I noticed. But I do see that Google Earth is showing what you've implemented, where as Bing Maps shows correctly to real life.

The crosswind runway numbers are 12 / 30 (Google)  when it should be 13 / 31 (Bing).

Google 30

Bing 31

There is an extension on the runway at 26L.



 The airport as it was released is based on data/imagery that's at least 3 years old.

I was fooled by the statement “ However, is not a “straight” conversion, and there has been many changes, both due to the changing airport layout” I wish I can get my money back.

This is strange, because I remember this same issue being addressed with the FSX/P3D version back in 2015.  Maybe it has something to do with the MSFS SDK.,10856.0.html

No idea, what Google picture you are using. Mine (dated 6/13/19) correctly depict the RWY numbers 31/31 and the extension on 26L. Furtermore it would be poor designing by FSDT if RWY number were taken from satellite imaginery... :D Maybe the design of the ciphers, but certainly not the numbers themselves. There are official sources like CAP which are holding accurate numbers and such...



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