Products Support > Vancouver CYVR support MSFS

Vancouver V2 for MSFS. Flat Airliner objects.

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--- Quote ---Well, I reset MFS..had to go the 87GB download route again, but at the end, all my concrete pavements were back and I no longer needed a lawn mower.
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It was quite sure it was something wrong with your basic simulator install, probably some default files got corrupted.

--- Quote from: por930 on October 28, 2020, 08:45:40 am ---I then installed the FSDT CYVR and I noticed that at the end of the install, the installer carried out a live update..372 steps as I recall. I noticed FSDT mentioned an update. Do I need to do the Live update again, or will todays CYVR install, bring in the update when it used the live update?
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All FSDT installers runs the Live Update after they complete, so you can be sure you always get the latest version of what you are installing. And, all the FSDT products you already had installed will be updated too, for both P3D and MSFS.

After you original installation, you will have to run the FSDT Live Update from time to time, the only difference is, since we don't have any software module in MSFS yet, you won't be automatically notified if there's an update for an MSFS product, like you would in FSX or P3D.

--- Quote ---When I checked the Community folder, there was no FSDT in there. But, everything seems to work ok this time.
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If you installed CYVR, you'll find a symbolic link to it, which points to your Addon Manager\MSFS location, which is where files really are.

Hi Umberto, OK, I found the "official" Community folder. With the reinstall, it had reconfigured itself back to the C: drive, from the E drive I had it previously. I need to learn how to "correctly" move, or symbolic link my E drive Community folder, because my C drive, being only for the OS and its dependant files, is a small SSD.

I suspect I did some thing wrong with my first attempt at the Community folder relocation, causing serious issues in the scenery department. Considering the last chaos I caused, I will treat the symbolic link addition with great respect, especially the ability to go 'back' if it all goes wrong to reduce the need for the 87GB re-download.

I also notice in the Addon Manager folder, 17 unins exe and dat files, amongst the other FSDT related files.

When I ran the Live update tool after the install of CYVR, it brought in the MFS CYVR update. My program manager says it is version 1.0.1.


--- Quote from: por930 on October 29, 2020, 01:45:56 am ---My program manager says it is version 1.0.1.
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That indication doesn't tell you which version you really have. It only tell you which installer you used to install it but, since the Live Update will always update everything and it's being run after every installation, unless you seen errors from the Live Update, you can be sure you have the latest version of every file.

Easy check: do you see the new Mall area with its new car parkings ? If yes, then you have the very latest version.


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