So sorry to say i am in the Boot but i am, and not only since yesterday this happens from the beginning i using CYVR ( Crash somehow )
Yesterday before i started a flight i deleted my floating cache and built a new on, mine is 100 GB, started the sim allover after that
and made a flight from KDEN to CYVR with an a320. (Flybywire ) But i think this mod isn`t the case.
Landing at 8R went fine ( didn`t work before on 8R always crashed short before touchdown ) so i got to the gates and the gates come in, ordered the Caterring Truck and Bagage Truck
all OK, at some time the Trucks moved away and
BOOM Crash - could not understand what happens..
So i closed MSFS started again, pickt up 787-10 with no mod, setted the plane to runway 8R for start, than i had to go out of my computerroom in the kitchen
and this took around 5 mins or so than i come back and go sitting in my chair and
BOOM Crash, i did nothing just sitting and can`t understand..

I love this airport but i can`t us em, if i bin there since beginning with the first FSDT Version of CYVR i get this kind of crashes that i can not replicate..
I would i am not in the boat but i am - unfortynality; and i have no clou how i can go over that - real anoying !