I've just read these 4 webpages but it is still not clear to me what I should do to "have no issue" except to uninstall the FSdreamteam CYVR scenery.
There's nothing you must do, since the problem has been fixed long ago.
Is there a nice person to explain to me what I should do to have my ProSim 737 correctly fly the 26L CYVR ILS rather than turning (mad) right then left?
I don't know what Prosim 737 is but, does it work with a default aircraft ?
I'm using ProSim 737 3.04b2 with MSFS and FSdreamteam CYVR scenery version 1.1.0 (manifest.json states "VERSION 1.1.0 RELEASED OCTOBER 22, 2020\\nVersion 1.1" even if I was sure to have bought CYVR Vancouver V2 for MSFS on Feb 2nd
The information in the manifest file is only used by the MS Markeplace but, if you bought the scenery on FSDT site, you surely have the latest version and, as you can clearly see from a previous post of another user, dated October 25th:
If you run the FSDT Updater, the CYVR and KORD sceneries seem to be updated to the correct standard by now. I tested the ILS'es for proper function and they are all correct
So yes, we HAVE updated the scenery to conform to the new (changed) standard, and nobody ever reported a problem with it ever since.