I just purchased your airport Chicago O'Hare (KORD) in MSFS "Market Place" and checked the ILS-binding. The binding is correct! So, the one thing I don't understand is, why is the ILS runway-binding in your product KORD correct - but not in your product CYVR !?

Have you read this thread ? It provides plenty of information about this, the ILS in CYVR has always been *CORRECT*, perfectly aligned with the runway True heading, and with the correct indication of the Magnetic variation.
One would assume ( and it has been like this since FSX and all versions of P3D ) the reason why you have a separate (non optional ) MagVar field in the ILS means its Heading is meant to be True, otherwise it wouldn't be required to use the MagVar. This made a sense for plenty of reasons, with the most obvious being that, when during the years the MagVar changes, if you have all the ILS in the database stored as True heading, it would be enough to update the small single .BGL with the updated Magar. Instead, if you store the headings as Magnetic, when the variations changes, you'll have to update all thousands of .BGLs containing ILS that might have been affected. That's why both FSX and P3D used that method, because it made sense.
It seems the default MSFS database contains ILS with Magnetic heading instead, even if nowhere in the SDK documentation it says that. In fact, there's NO documentation at all to create ILS, and the included Scenery Editor doesn't even allow to add an ILS so, the general rule so far has been that, when there's no documentation, the SDK says you can refer to the FSX ( or ESP, which is the latest SDK published by Microsoft before MSFS ), assuming nothing has changed. So, we followed that rule, without having any reason to suspect they changed it, and I'm not even sure the change was intended, it can possibly be a bug.
In fact, this bug has been reported to Microsoft during the Alpha by FsTramp author ( I linked a post of his in a previous post ), in which he also said storing the ILS heading as Magnetic is wrong and it's a bug but, apparently, since it hasn't changed, he probably updated his software to take that into account.
And yes, there's same "problem" at KORD, but the Magnetic variation there is way smaller than CYVR ( 3.5 compare to 17 ), so it's not enough to cause the autopilot to miss the approach because the CRS is not exactly matching the ILS heading.
We'll obviously "fix" both sceneries, since we asked Asobo about this, but haven't got a reply so far. I'll keep using double quotes for fix, since I firmly believe storing the ILS headings as Magnetic, with the runway heading still in True, is at the very least weird, but if this is what's required to make the default autopilot happy, so be it.
Note that, the problem is only a problem for those planes in which you cannot manually set the CRS. The default C172 with the analog instrumentation works just fine as it is now, because there you always set the CRS manually.