Author Topic: Getting Trial period message although product is paid for and active  (Read 9333 times)


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Hi; I purchased the KJFK V2 product a while ago, back in early 2015. I subsequently uninstalled it and started using the DD scenery.  I also purchased the GSX Basic and Level 2 during that time and using the 2 with no issues.

I decided to uninstall the DD scenery and reinstall the FSDT scenery which downloaded v2.5.2 which I assume is the updated version. I got the trial period message when I launched the KJFK scenery.
I uninstalled GSX level 2 and KJFK V 2 scenery to start from scratch again, since I wasn’t sure which add On Manager was being used and or overridden.

I reinstalled GSX level 2 and ran a live update, I then reinstalled the KJFK scenery and ran a live update again after I installed.

However, when I launch the scenery I still get the message that “The trial period for V.2 has Started”. The Add On Manager shows it as Installed and Active.  Not sure why I am getting the Trial Period message since I actually never installed the trial version it was always a purchased product . It seems that the full scenery is installed (the scenery does not disappear after X mins)  but I am not sure if I am missing features and other gates. I am using FSX.

Any help and or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Kindest Regards.



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Re: Getting Trial period message although product is paid for and active
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2020, 09:35:50 pm »
Are you sure you are using the current installer for JFK V2 ?


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Re: Getting Trial period message although product is paid for and active
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2020, 07:01:41 pm »
Hi Umberto;

Thanks for your response. Not exactly sure if I am using the correct installer or how to confirm. The initial purchase for KJFK V.2.0.0 was purchased from Simmarket, so I just went to the site and redownloaded a copy and installed it. V.2.5.2. was installed so I got the updated version during the install. It didn't ask for a registration key so I just assumed it didn't need it because it came from Simmarket as a confirmed purchase. Addon Manager had it as Installed and Active, I didn't have to do anything.

Do let me know what I am missing. Do I have to download the scenery from the FSDT site.



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Re: Getting Trial period message although product is paid for and active
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2020, 05:05:23 pm »
The initial purchase for KJFK V.2.0.0 was purchased from Simmarket, so I just went to the site and redownloaded a copy and installed it. V.2.5.2. was installed so I got the updated version during the install.

If with "the site", you mean Simmarket, you might not always get the latest version from there, since it might not be updated as often as the one on our site. The latest installer is always found on our site.

It didn't ask for a registration key

Our installers never ask for an activation key, because our installers are always a Trial version.

Not sure why I am getting the Trial Period message since I actually never installed the trial version it was always a purchased product

Yes, you DO have installed a Trial version. That's what all our installations are, before you activate them using the Addon Manager menu and your key.

Addon Manager had it as Installed and Active, I didn't have to do anything.

That's not because the purchase was verified on Simmarket, only because it was already activated on your system, and you never changed hardware from the last time it was activated on it.

Addon Manager had it as Installed and Active,

So, IT IS active.

It seems that the full scenery is installed (the scenery does not disappear after X mins)

Assuming you are looking at KJFK V2 ( there's a KJFK V1 too ), and it's reported as active, and you purchased JFK V2, and the scenery doesn't disappear, then you DO have the full version, and the Trial message seems to be bogus.

The most likely cause of a bogus Trial message ( but the scenery not disappearing and reported Active ) is another scenery for JFK in conflict that you have installed and not correctly removed.


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Re: Getting Trial period message although product is paid for and active
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2020, 11:06:04 pm »
Assuming you are looking at KJFK V2 ( there's a KJFK V1 too ), and it's reported as active, and you purchased JFK V2, and the scenery doesn't disappear, then you DO have the full version, and the Trial message seems to be bogus.

The most likely cause of a bogus Trial message ( but the scenery not disappearing and reported Active ) is another scenery for JFK in conflict that you have installed and not correctly removed.

Hi Umberto;
Thanks for explaining the process, I appreciate it. Given the way the process works and what I am seeing then yes it's most likely a bogus message. I did uninstall the original version thru the Uninstall Process via the Win Control Panel, but yes there could be other conflicts since I didn't go through all of the directories to confirm everything was removed.

But for now everything looks good.

Also installed the KORD scenery last year but forgot how the activation worked ;D

Thanks again for taking the time to explain.

Kindest Regards.
