Products Support > Key West Support

KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up

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--- Quote from: Nkurun on July 01, 2021, 08:55:55 pm ---That suggests to me that this problem has something to do with the latest MSFS2020 core or Nordics update. Are the buildings still showing on your system with those updates Umberto?
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Of course they do. Do you really think that, after a user reports something like this, I reply without checking first ?


--- Quote from: thetford569 on July 02, 2021, 10:37:45 pm ---Also just to confirm....I saw that my files and registration were verified by the FSDT Live Updater and I also deleted the content.xml file with no results...still have no buildings.
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Do you see the link to the scenery in the Community folder ?

Yes I see the link to the scenery in my community folder. Any ideas what could be causing this issue for some users since it still works on your system with the latest MSFS2020 updates?

i have one unlikely idea, could it be conflict with rex/zinertek, i will not check it, as i use orbx keyw right now

I don't have Rex or Zinertek so guess that is unlikely to be the cause. I was wondering, Umberto, if the Key West buildings file could be modified in any way to make it less susceptible or less likely to be in conflict with another MSFS 2020 file? Key West is the only MSFS2020 add on scenery to have this issue as far as I am aware. None of the many other addon sceneries I have has had this issue.


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