Hello Umberto and everyone. I've been enjoying GSX L2 in FSX, P3Dv4 and P3Dv5 (and GSX Pro in MSFS), and I find it's a very nice addition. However, while I like the detail in the jetways, in big airports (for example, KJFK, KMIA, LEMD) the performance impact is high. Reverting to default jetways allows me to recover the lost performance.
In MSFS I can simply select the airports I'd like it's jetways to be excluded from the list of replacements. For FSX/P3D, is it there a way of excluding an airport from having its jetways replaced (other than restoring them and then mass-replacing jetways for each one of the other airports)?
An extreme example if this helps: I want to replace all jetways in all airports but default KJFK. Is it there a way to do so?