I'm sorry but, the purchase, install and reinstall process on the MS Marketplace is nothing we have any control over it. I can only say that, when I bought something on the MS Marketplace, it started to download as soon after the payment completed.
I tried removing a scenery bought from the store manually, when I restarted the sim and went to the MS Marketplace again, it showed as "Owned" and when I went on its page, the only two buttons I had were "Download" and "Content Manager", so you just click "Download".
I go to the CONTEND MANAGER and it shows KORD by ASOBO STUDIO
Maybe you were looking for "KORD" in the Content Manager ? Try Chicago or Fsdreamteam. The issue is, while the *Marketplace* can find something by "tags", so you can find FSDT O'Hare by typing KORD, the *Content Manager* only search for the package name, that is "Fsdreamteam Chicago O'Hare", so it ignores tags.